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(Y/N)'s P.o.V.

        "Hurry up!" Bill said, practically dragging me all the way across town.

        "Where the Hades are we going anyway?!" I shouted. Sure, I could keep up due to ADHD. But, please! You can't just go and drag people out of their peace and tranquility. Finally, we arrived wherever we were supposed to go. It was the town square.

        "Why in Zeus's sake did you-" I asked Bill but I cut myself off as I saw what it was. The blonde girl was here, along with what I assumed was her family.

        "They're the Northwests. The girl you met is Pacifica Northwest. They're the 'founders of the town,'" Bill said with obvious sarcasm. "They're the one who organized the play you're gonna audition for."

        I only took in the first part of his statement. But when I understood the next part..."WHAT?!" I screamed, earning a few stares from the townsfolk. "When did I ever get signed up?!" I whisper yelled.

        "Hmmm, same day as you got the flyer. No need to thank me!" he beamed. Sure, I did want to join. And I was actually thankful to Bill for signing me up.

        There weren't many people in the crowd. Some of them didn't look like they came from here, which they probably are. A panel of what I believe were judges sat in front of the crowd. 

        "Come on!" Bill chimed while pulling me with my hand. We walked over to the Northwests who sat under a shade. 

        "Ah, such a pleasure to meet the founders of this town. I gladly thank your daughter for letting me know of this event," I said after a small curtsy. When you know the gods, you really learn how to be polite.

        "I see you've chosen quite someone, Pacifica," Mr. Northwest said.

        "Of course Dad. I only chose those who seemed quite fit for the job," Pacifica said. "Perhaps you should know, we selected these people to try out for the play. They're from all around the state."

        "Which makes me even more delighted to know of that. Thank you for the opportunity you've given me," I said with a smile. I bowed one last time and walked away. I found out Bill wasn't with me, perhaps that was better. I could just imagine him making deals with the Northwests.

        "You were right on that one, (Y/N)!" Bill said, now standing right beside me. I jumped a bit. "No need to be frightened, miss!"

        "Sheesh. Where were you when I was talking with them?" I asked him as we sat down on a chair. He put an arm around my shoulders and I stared blankly at him. He just gave me a sheepish grin when I crossed my arms.

        "I was right behind you! Invisible," he said poking my nose. He put a sticker on my forehead and I removed it.

        "Hey, wait...oh come on...last?!" I said to no one in particular. 

        "Last in the ones trying for Christine Daaé," he said and my eyes went wide.

        "I'm killing you," I squeaked out.

        "You'll do great! I heard you sing in the shower," he said as I sticked the number onto my (whatever top you wear/dress). I glared at him. "Only heard."

        Minutes passed and finally it was my turn. Bill gave me a thumbs up as I walked towards the panel of judges. I smiled at them.

        "You are?" one of them asked.

        "(Y/N) Pines, sir," I said cheerily. (A/N: Please don't kill me if you ain't a cheerful person *holds hands over head defensively*)

        "Do you know Christine's part in the title song of the Phantom of the Opera?" one of them said. I gave a small nod and she said, "Well, you're on." 


        I may be able to fight monsters, but seriously, singing in an open crowd makes me a bit nervous. Nevertheless, I sang with all of my heart. (Not really)

        "In sleep he sang to me

        In dreams he came

        That voice which calls to me and speaks my name

        And do I dream again, for now I find

        The phantom of the opera is there inside my mind," I finished. The judges clapped and smiled. I swear I could hear Bill snickering. The nerve...

        "Ms. Pines, would you be as nice as to sing the last part of the song. It's where we base off if you'll play the role or not," one said. The last part was very high, so I guess so.

        I sang the last part and almost ran out of breath. The judges clapped once more and one stood up.

        "Ms. Northwest, we will have this young lady for Christine Daaé!" she told Ms. NW. (Peace...)

        "We heard your voice and you were very spectacular. I'd like to congratulate you for making it to the role. And also Pacifica for inviting you," she said. I said thanks to them all and walked away. They hand over a script to me before I left.

        "You did awesome!" Bill said as he spun me around.

        "Thanks. Now could you let me down now," I said with a laugh. He put me down, but not before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

        "You're welcome," he said and he walked off but I didn't notice. I touched my cheek on the spot where he kissed me. '(Y/N), that might have just been a friendly kiss! No feelings,' I told myself.

        "You coming," he shouted from afar. I laughed and ran towards him. Well...that went well~

A Deal's A Deal (Bill Cipher x Demigod! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now