Chapter XVIII 🎪The Scorpion

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  The sun was setting and it wasn't long before it sunk completely behind the woods leaving long streaks of red and orange smeared along the sky. -A pleasant sight to behold.

Madison was like a statue.  Stiff, still and scared.

"Madison. Madison? MADISON -"

I called her name out but it was like she was in her head... or another place.

I put one hand on her shoulder and with my other free hand, I took her right hand into mine. I ran my thumb over the back of her hand trying to free her from her current state.

Abruptly, she blinked and tried to catch her breath.

"Hey, hey... Madison. Hey--"

I tried to calm her down.


She stuttered but couldn't really form a sentence.

"Shhh. You're safe, breathe. Shhhh, it's alright. It's okay."

Her breathing slowed.

"Tell me what's wrong."

I said in a whisper.

"I-I saw, t-them..."

She started.

"Shhh. Breathe, you're alright. Who did you see?"

She was breathing steadily now, but her mind was wandering. My mind drew a line to her past. -I knew even before she told me.


I asked and Madison shook her head 'yes'.

I hugged Madison until she calmed down. She was shaking with tears falling from her eyes.

I picked her up softly and carried her into my inner chamber laying her down gently on the bed/couch. I undid the buttons of my jacket and slipped my red blazer off covering Madison with it.

"Rest Madison, rest. It's all alright. You're safe and I will protect you."

I told her as she softly closed her eyes and fell asleep for a bit.

I never left the inner chamber. I stayed, sitting at the table behind where my child was resting.


I don't recall how much time had passed since Madison fell asleep, but she woke up about ten minutes ago.

"I want to show you something, or rather... I should show you something."

I told her as she stood before me.

"I won't hurt you."

While proceeding to tuck my glistening cane under the velvet sleeve that covered my arm securing it in place for safekeeping, I then reached out my right hand slipping off the leather glove. I held the glove tightly with my pinky and ring finger pressing against my palm to hold it in place.

I then gently took the child's right hand pushing the sleeve of her frayed brown leather jacket up her arm in a slick motion.

"What are you doing?"

Madison asked, her voice choppy.

I then used my one free hand to lift the brim of my velvet-covered hat up just enough to allow for the passage of a golden coin. The shinney perfectly sized and shaped coin fell down out of the opening between the hat and my head landing in the palm of my hand silently. I placed my hat back upon my head pushing down on the very top of it to anchor it on my head.


I began speaking with the golden coin pinched in my two fingers as the surrounding generator-powered-spotlights illuminated the crisp shine on the gold coin.

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