Chapter Twelve: Knight's Final Hour

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KITT dodged another blow, the clear plating on his body chipping off more and more. Christine hesitated at the fenceline, watching KITT battle the monstrous hearse. After delivering a crippling blow, which sent KITT spinning her way, Tank paused for a moment, a bit winded.

KITT skidded to a stop next to Christine, exchanging glances with her. Christine sighed and started her engine, rolling forward.

"Alright, my turn," she growled.

She and the hearse squared up, Christine revving her engine. White clouds of exhaust billowed around her, her insides glowing green and her headlights shining a blinding white glow. Tank flinched backward, his confidence dwindling.

"Why're y'all wastin' your time here?" Tank growled, his headlights flickering.

"We're not wasting our time," Christine scoffed."We're just trying to stall you until the cavalry arrives."

Tank just scoffed back at her. "Your General doesn't scare me, I already did him in."

KITT rolled forward, flashing his lights. "General Lee doesn't hold a torch to him. He is feared by every Defect and man in three states, so much so, that his name mustn't be spoken."

Christine glanced back at him, curious as to why KITT's added drama was necessary.

Like a flash of lightning, Tank pulled forward, catching Christine off guard with her gaze averted. In a single, swift motion, where Christine was sitting now sat Tank's tire, and under it a mangle of crimson-red steel. KITT jumped backward, his scanning light drifting back and forth anxiously. The three of them were speechless for a long moment, Christine more so than others. Tank slowly backed away, the metal of Christine's body crunching under his tire.

"That ain't no way to treat a lady, friend," an engine rumbled from behind them.

Tank whipped around to see Thunder sitting just a few feet away from where Christine had been flattened. However, instead of scaring, like a few others had done, Tank just laughed. Like before with Rig, electricity arced around Tank's frame.

"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this, been savin' it just for you," Tank growled, tauntingly.

Thunder charged up as well, headlights flickering and arcs of electricity jumping between his cab lights. "May the best spark win."


The rush of wind getting knocked out of his lungs was one thing, but trying to keep hold of his cousin was another thing. It was roughly half a second after their fall down the elevator chute that Bo regained consciousness and woke nearly face-to-face with the inferno below before Luke could finally grab him and pull him up.

As the three of them hung suspended in the air, Luke looked up past Michael to see John leaning out of the fifth-floor doors, holding Michael's right forearm in a vice-like grip. In that agonizing moment after realizing they weren't dead, not yet, their breaths were caught in the silence.

Then, slowly but surely, they moved. John pulled Michael up and out of the elevator chute, Luke and Bo moving with him. Michael disappeared over the edge of the floor, John reaching down to grab Luke as soon as he was up. Luke pulled himself and Bo up with little help. However, as soon as their feet hit the fifth floor, Luke found himself pushed out of the way as John wrapped his arms around Bo.

"Okay, okay, yeah," Bo choked out, pushing away from him. "Dad, I'm fine!"

John chuckled. "Say, that's the first time you called me Dad!"

Bo reddened a little bit, his face getting serious. "Don't let it go to your head."

John's smile cracked a little as Bo walked away, however, he didn't have the chance to go after him, as Michael walked up.

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