All Done 😁

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Alright so I'm working on the cover for A Car's Worst Fear, as well as a paragraph for the first chapter, however, I have a feeling today will consist of Supernatural reruns, fanfiction, and pancakes.

Thank you all for sticking with this series. I just noticed how many reads this has in comparison to the other two, and to see the numbers so close together keeps my heart warm. 

I will still have some jumps and another race coming up in the future, but the Defects are here to stay as well as their lore and then some. 

I want to get started on rewriting this series, but I get the feeling that I should probably finish my first writing of it as a whole before I start something like that. I know there were some people on my page who got interested in 2145, that series will be back momentarily after I get it off the ground and finally put some backbone into the pilot because this is roughly my tenth time trying to write 2145 and I've trashed so many ideas. 

Trucker's Anthem will be rewritten in the future, as well as the other prequels. I'm trying to get another prequel about Luke's experience in Vietnam but I keep forgetting. 

But, yeah, that's all for now, I'll see you guys in a few days or so :)

Edit: Final edit complete 7/24/2024

Checkpoint reached 

(Go drink water and go to sleep you dehydrated, sleep-deprived animal)

(Jk love you <3/p)

(No but seriously go drink some water)

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