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I smiled at the sight in front of me.

I feel L's hand squeeze mine as I wink at her. Both Luciano and Andrei were struggling with the babies.

"No dude that's not how you do it" sighed Andrei as he grabbed baby Alexis, she's probably the calmest out of the boys. We have now determined these boys have taken sides, if one cries the other has to follow.

Alexis has only cried once and that was only when she was born.

Andrei wiped her and cleaned her then put her diaper on while Luciano played with the boys.

Andrei has been really good. Where did he learn to change diapers and feed a baby? I don't know. All I know is he's really freaking good at it and luciano...well he needs more help and work. I swear he helped my mom change my diapers. Well watched at least, he should have picked up a few key pointers.

"Dude do newborns smile?" Luciano asks as he picks vian up and presses his cheek to his "dude your baby doesn't smile but mine does?" Luciano says as he pulls away from vian and holds him up in the air like baby simba.

Andrei looks at Andrei and holds Alexis in his arms, careful not to hold in an uncomfortable position "you dumbass, he's my son. He doesn't fall for your stupidity" Andrei shakes his head as he hands Alexis the bottle.

"You know, now that i think about it i'm scared of him, he might begin cursing as his first language and better yet give people that ugly 'do i care' glare/look when he's bored out of his little mind" luciano says as he kisses vian's head "your lucky your mama has strong genes and she's gonna beat your daddy's ass if you learn his glares" he whispers as i try my best not to laugh at those true facts.

"I hope your son and your daughter don't get the dumb facts you tend to spit out in unesasry situations" states andrei as luciano gives a fake smile.

"My children will have their beautiful mama genes, although I hope they don't get her aggressiveness from her cause I'd be doomed," said Luciano as he picked up baby Alex and sat down on the rocking chair with them.

"So do you guys judge and plan our children's future while we're asleep all the time? Or just this time?" I interrupt as their eyes shift to us.

"Ooooo you girls are awake" said Luciano as he smiled at both me and liliana "how are you girls feeling?" asked Andrei as he got up and kissed lilianas and i's head then sat beside me.

I grabbed Alexis from Andrei's arms and smiled as I saw her beautiful eyes.

She's the only one who always has her eyes wide open, it's as if she were making sure her surroundings are safe.

Smart girl this one.

"Guys can you get us food?" asks lilian as i nudge andrei to give him the 'give me food' look.

"Sure" Andrei says as he kisses me and kisses Alexis then the boys.

"Alright we'll be back in a few" said Luciano as they both made their way out.

"Never did i think we would end up like this" said liliana as we both got up and made our way to the boys.

"Right?" i said "i thought we would end up street fonnies" i joked as she laughed "i thought nightclub or street hookers, you know the ones by 50th avenue" she played along as i shook my head lighty laughing.

"Dude we birthed the cutests babies" liliana said as she kissed both the boys "i love vian's eyes he has Andrei's uncommon striking blue/gray eyes" she continued as i smiled and admired vian.

It's too early to say if his eyes are gonna change but he does have beautiful eyes.

As we set the babies down in their bassinets a knock was heard on the door "come in" i say as me and lilian sit down on the rocking chairs.

We both freeze up as we see the last person I wanted to see "hey" he greeted as he came into the room.

Both me and lillian stood up rolling the babies behind us making sure there in a safe distance "get the fuck away from us jenson" warned liliana as he stepped closer settin down balloons and flowers down on the bed "let me explain" he began as i grabbed lilainas arm "when i heard i had grandkids i was over the moon i-" before he could finish i could feel myself falling down until i fell limp on the cold floor letting darkness consume me.


As andrei and luciano arrived at the hospital they see the hospital entrance surrounded by police and guns sprawled out "what the fuck is going on!" asked Luciano as Andrei couldn't stomach the bad feeling he had in his stomach.

"There's a man holding two ladies and their 3 kids hosta-" the older lady didn't get to finish when Andrei and Lucano dropped the food and ran towards the hospital entrance.

They were stopped by police "let go of us you dumbfuck! Our wives and kids are there!" yelled Andrei as Luciano punched the officer and helped Andrei get through.

They ran into the hospital running up the stairs up to the 7th floor. They ran quickly towards the room but stopped as soon as they saw officers pointing guns into the room.

"Put the gun down and let the hostages go!" yelled an officer as the guy they dreaded the most appeared holding a gun pointing it straight as the girls.

Andrei and Luciano make their way closer.

"Jenson!" yelled Luciano as jenson looked at luciano and smiled at his 'son' "son good to see you here!"cheered jenson as he looked back at the girls.

Andrei looks at down and sees davina lying uncousious on the floor "what the fuck did you do to her!" yelled Andrei as he made his way into the room pulling Jenson down with him.

Luciano jumps in and helps Andrei fight for the gun. A shot rings out and jenson falls limp on the ground "tie him up and take him" ordered by an officer as Andrei and Luciano crawl towards the girls and hugs them tight.

By this point davina has woken up with tears streaming down her face.

"I was so scared Andrei," she sobbed as Liliana also cried in Luciano's arms.

"Shh everything is ok now" cooed Andrei as he helped her get up and sit her on the bed.

"The babies?" asked both the girls at the same time as both luciano and andrei check on the babies and thank god there fine.

"There ok" said Luciano as he sighed, relieved that they came in on time.

The girls stare at the blood stain on the floor close to where they were.
"We need to as-" before the officer can finish, Davina interrupted.

"I hope he rots in hell for all I care, don't ask any questions about him. All you need to know is he was my father" davina says as she holds onto Andrei and baby vian.

"Oh my god! What happened?" asked Linda as Bianaca and she ran to the girls.

"We wanna go home, can we do that?" asked davina as she made her way out of the door.

"Yes let's go" said Tom as he helped the girls with their stuff.

They did not seem at all bothered but deep down they knew they would have this day stuck in their minds for a very long time.


▻ 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐈 ◅Where stories live. Discover now