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I can't believe he did it.

Ten seconds of a shrill, continuous blaring screech, and I still can't believe I watched a man falsely pull a fire alarm in front of my very eyes. Even I know such a thing is considered a serious criminal offense, yet Javier pulled that daunting white handle in such a way that you would think his whole life has been leading up to this moment.

It's been made clear to me by now. This goes far above an innocent desire to protect the students of the school. Somehow, this is personal. I only wish Javier would have at least run down to the first floor to pull an alarm — for his own sake, of course. At the abrupt and grating sounding of the bell, doors swing open left and right, and naturally that would include the door Miss Gavin had disappeared behind mere moments ago. Regardless of whatever unfolded in the next few minutes, it would be irrefutable to her that Javier had been the one to pull the alarm.

And thus, knowing this, I suppose he felt the need to get one last look at me through his goggles before taking off like an escaped convict. Truthfully, I know he's probably just looking to find Sonia and the others as quickly as possible, but running away after breaking the law certainly won't do anything to help his case.

I worry for that man.

But perhaps much more so, I worry for the queasiness bubbling in my stomach. It isn't the pain from yesterday's encounter coming back to bite me again and I'm sure of it. However it is familiar. It endeavors to stifle my pursuit of Javier bounding down the stairs, a sickness, dread, a familiar dread. The ground rumbles beneath my feet but it's only imaginary. A sensation in my bones, just like what Noir and I had felt on the roof of Eret's school.

That 'something' that was approaching is well on its way now. I'd bet my death on it.

And for that reason I muster the strength to catch up to him. If we were lucky, Miss Gavin would have no choice but to follow through with typical fire alarm procedures and therefore wouldn't have time to hunt Javier down to find out if there were actually a fire. At the same time it may make it difficult to find Sonia and Eret if they, too, are to be swept up in the chaos of it all.

Honestly, that very well may be for the best. If the phantom beast biting at our heels decides to show up sooner rather than later, it would rest easier on my conscience to know they were out of the picture. That said, for the time being, my priority lies with tracking down Noir. What a troubling thing that no longer are we faced with long, empty halls and clear, open views. Students begin filing out of their classrooms in no time, and despite the fact I could run through them if necessary, I can't see through them.


Nothing. I bite my tongue. For all I know he could be on the opposite end of this establishment. Javier slips from my mind and I race to check out the window on the first floor — still no phantom beast. Only the smoke, but it continues to billow and spin and spread like fog on a stage. Why does it have to be different? Why couldn't anyone see it this time?? Cursing under my breath, I try to bury the thought and start to tear up the ground running again. Noir is sure to see me before I notice him. I stand out more. Not to mention he's just more capable in general.

I'm halted mid-stride by another tremor, this one stronger, but still only to my senses. None of the students in my line of sight react to it. Rather, all continue as they were in accordance with the emergency routine — awfully puzzled looks upon many of their faces, I can't help but note. They all must know it isn't a drill, and yet no one can confirm if or where there is a fire.

"C'mon, Noir, where the heck are you, man??"

I come across them by accident — 'them' being Eret and Sonia, that is. Noir isn't with them. But just as I had secretly hoped, it would appear the pair had been roped in with the staff and students after all, obedient and compliant and confused as all the rest. Arguably more so, I might add. Javier pulling the alarm evidently wasn't in our original game plan, so there's a chance the two of them are wondering where the fire is, too.

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