6 || arrival of the phantom beast

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Noir did end up disappearing in the middle of the night again. The same as last time, with no warnings, not the slightest hint or subtle making of conversation to suggest he was getting ready to leave. Another case of 'here one second and gone another.'

At least, if I were to give him some degree of credit, the moment Eret and I stroll into school the next morning, we find Noir crouched down on his knees near the front entrance in plain sight. Either he's searching for something he lost again, or he's looking at bugs on the leaves of the thick green hedges. Neither would surprise me. Nor does it surprise me to find him wearing a different costume than yesterday — this time, it appears to be a pilot's uniform. He's even got the leather cap to match. All pristine and navy blue and in seemingly mint condition.

"Uhh...Noir?" Eret stops at the front gate to watch the boy, an equal amount of concern and amusement tugging his lopsided smile. "Whatcha doin' there, buddy?"

"Better hurry, whatever it is." I stick out my foot to tap his butt. "Eret's bus ran a little late today so we gotta get to his first class on the double."

"Oh, yeah, it totally did. I forgot."

"I'm looking for the bag I dropped yesterday," Noir says, his words somewhat muffled since he can't be bothered to turn his head. After a moment, however, he finally draws back from the hedges and lets out a dramatic sigh. "Coulda sworn..."

"A bag?"

"Mhm." He sits back on his heels. "It had stuff in it for Will. I forgot about it yesterday, so I was gonna give it to him today..."

"Aww, don't sweat it, man." Eret leans over to pat Noir on the shoulder, then quickly snaps to attention to check if anybody was staring at him. He straightens his posture and pretends to brush dirt off his pants. "Uhh...it'll show up, is what I was gonna say. Right, Will?"


I watch with a furrowed brow as Noir rises to his feet once more and, too, brushes the dirt from his pants. Although unlike Eret he actually does have a bit of filth on him from being on the ground for a period of time — for how long exactly, I'm not sure, and I can't deny I'm the least bit curious, either. He could have been here all night for all I know...

"Well, c'mon, then." I give his back a little push. Eret has already begun to follow his fellow students into the building. "You comin' or not?"

"Not to the classroom," Noir replies. I draw my head back in shock.

"Huh? Why not?"

"I was thinking the roof would be a better vantage point."

"Vantage—? Oh." The thought nearly escaped me. "Right. The, uh...phantom beasts."

He hums in agreement. "It'd also be better to have less people around for distractions, you know? So I was thinking we could wait up on the roof in case we can feel or see anything from up there."


My eyes drift slowly up to the rooftop of the school building. From where we stand, I can see that it's been fenced off — and for good measure, I'm sure. Even if it hasn't happened at this particular establishment, you can never be too careful with that sort of thing. Regardless of how high up it is.

Only a few stories, just like Eret's house. I think I could manage.

"Are you not good with heights?"

"I'm great with heights," I snap back immediately. Noir tilts his head at me and peers like an owl. He's got eyes like one, too. Big and void-like.

"You sure?"

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