16 || in the absence of recollection

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While I did appreciate her willingness to give me some space, it doesn't take long for the silence to slip from relaxing into a state of mild awkwardness. Not to mention that I still hope to be back at Eret's house before sunrise to avoid any unnecessary panic from either him or Noir.

"So...is it just the three of you here?"

"Hmm? Oh." Harlow stops admiring her sword to look at me. A soft smile graces her lips, strangely peaceful as though her mood from minutes ago had completely vanished. "No, I have other friends who stop by here from time to time. It's just Alba and Rowan who are my constants. I think the world of them, truly. The mildest souls you'll ever meet."

"I see..."

"We don't have to waste your time with small talk if you have places to be, Will."

"Yeah, sorry..." I shoot a shameful glance at the door. "It isn't that I'm not interested, I swear-"

"That's quite alright," she chuckles — it's a brief sound, but genuine, and had it occurred a second later it may have been drowned out by the sheathing of her weapon. And quite the impressive weapon it is. I would be wise not to pick a fight with her. "So about Leon, then," Harlow continues. "Has he troubled you?"

"Troubled?? Well." I have to stifle a laugh of my own. "In a sense. But I mean, I don't even know where to begin. I was kinda hoping maybe you...could tell me what his deal is. Like, for starters..." I throw out a few vague, uncertain gestures as I struggle to meet Harlow's gaze. "...did he used to, I don't know, know some guy who looked like me?"

"Who looked like you?"

Harlow's eyes grow wide with an apparent sense of alarm. She emphasized that second word as though she couldn't believe what I had just asked. And I, equally stunned at her sudden change of demeanor, mimic Harlow's expression with my own mouth agape.

"Oh...oh, so it is true...you have forgotten entirely."

These aren't the words I expected to hear. So authentic and unfiltered. Her eyebrows slowly move closer together as she scans every inch of my face.

"Now that I think back on it, you were acting...a bit strange-"

"Me??" I interject and spring out of my slouched position just to slam my fist on the wooden floorboards. "I wasn't acting! I don't have the slightest clue what anyone's deal is around here!"

Harlow falls silent at my sudden outburst. Her features relax, but I notice a certain, distinguishable sense of sympathy glistening in her eyes. As though she is trying to conceal it. Slowly, but surely, that effort to remain detached fades, and she leans forward to rest her elbows against her knees. Peering through the fire instead of over it. Her fair skin and vibrant red hair glow with a warm light.

A feeling of shame washing over me, I lower my head. There was no need for me to yell. I shouldn't have yelled...


"I know, I'm sorry."

"No, you've no need to apologize." Harlow sighs again and the flames flicker briefly. "I haven't been as considerate as I ought to. But tell me, Will, what of your life do you recall? Have your memories returned since you awoke?"

"They..." I find it hard to give her a confident response. Crossing my arms over my chest, I lean back into a slouched position. "...have. Least as far as I'm concerned."

"I see. Well, that's fortunate, then." She nods. "For me, I believe it took well over a month for my memories of life to come back to me."

"A month??"

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