Chapter 19: Trying to Sever Family Ties

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Scarecrow POV

I stood upon the burning vehicles,

"WHERE IS DEKLAN CRANE?" I shouted at the top of my lungs,

I watched as one of them aimed their weapon at me and I jumped backward into the bunker.

"I saw their numbers, there are twenty-three left by my count," I muttered quickly "Caviera were you watching my feed?"

"Affirmative," she said as I heard the loud pop of a gunshot behind me as a well-placed sniper shot hit the commander center-of-mass through the flames, and an impressive shot.

"Confirmed hit," I said "Maestro, Tachanka, you're up,"

All three operators ran up to our makeshift barricade. Maestro deployed his bipods on a shattered window of the suburbans and started firing while Tachanka set his up behind the burning hoods. They all laid down suppressing fire as smoke continued to pour out of the bunker, making their accuracy drop. I have two of Fuze's charges tucked into my coat, but they need to mount to something to disengage the safeties.

"Fuck," I spat looking over the hoods of the cars

"Scarecrow, come in," I heard Buck over the comms

"Scarecrow here,"

"The vehicles are disabled, but there are several snowmobiles and ATVs running over the flank of the base, and the personnel in the disabled vehicles are dispersing into the woods towards the base," He said, panting he was obviously running to relocate.

"Acknowledged," I said as I swapped channels to match the rest of the overwatch team "All snipers when you have relocated I want you to start picking off obvious VIPs,"

I swapped channels again "Recon squad, I want to know where the White Masks intend to enter the base, and I want troops at their entry point. And Goddammit, I want a location on Deklan Crane."

"Taking fire," Maestro shouted as they took cover "and reloading,"

"Affirmative," I heard Echo say over the comm, I chucked some flashbangs over the cars.

I looked towards the burning cars and came up with an idea, I grabbed my new weapon and swung it rapidly I whipped it over the back edge of the hood and watched as it easily sunk into the thin bullet-resistant hood. I gave it a yank and it pulled free of one of the hinged, the outer edge was razor sharp but the inner edge was dull by design so I could still grab things from a distance, I don't know since I'm just going off of quick visual examination. The hood quickly ripped upwards not dislodging completely, but causing it to bend upwards. I flicked my wrist to free the hook and hopped on the back half of the hood. The heat of the flames is seeping into the lower half of my outfit, but it's not uncomfortable yet. I tucked my coat close to me to save the inner circuitry of Fuze's devices.

"Maestro, switch to your alternative primary and retreat into the base with Tuchanka. Once you get back there I want Vigil, Caviera, Pulse, and Frost up here," I said over the comms utilizing the mute feature of my mask. They nodded and ran back further into the garage.

I activated my Pulse vision, since thermal would be useless, and waited. I know their goal is to rush the base, but we've already done a good job at repelling their frontal assault by being prepared, plus we have an extremely defensible position. We need to eliminate the threat as fast as possible. I saw three heartbeats get within range and quickly placed the explosives on the hood, as the heat of the burning cars was quickly becoming uncomfortable. I hopped back and counted to three before detonating the charges. I heard the ten pucks being launched through the hoods in random directions, followed by surprised screams as the pucks detonated. I heard footsteps running up behind me as I turned off Pulse Vision, I turned to see the operators I requested.

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