Chapter 3: Testing

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Third Person POV

Outside Hereford Sim Base(the actual map in Siege)

1300 Hours

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I will test your skill in a combat simulation." I stated "You're goal is simple, kill me." Everyone looked at each other confused. "Not literally of course. You will all be given non-lethal alternative rubber bullets for your pistols and rifles, bean bag rounds for your shotgun, and bouncing betties in place of your explosives and as I have heard one of you is very explosive happy" I said looking at the operator called fuze who seemed to have found something interesting in the ground. "You will be searched. Now it's quite simple you will be split into teams of 2 you will choose your teams" I draw a knife "If I cut you your out if you shoot me in a fatal spot I'm out. If you manage to get me out you get the rest of the day off if not you will be sparing for the rest of the day. Any questions?" I asked silence fell over the crowd "Good, report to me when you've decided on your teams. Also apparently our fearless leader felt the need to show us off so show a welcome to some recruits from around the world." I gestured to a group of men and women in t-shirts and camo pants.

Time Skip brought to you by Smoke and Scarecrow comparing canister bombs

"Okay, team rainbow the teams are as follows."

"Caviera and Pulse, Valkyrie and Blackbeard, Sledge and Mute, Ash and Bandit, Thermite and Thatcher, Blitz and IQ, Smoke and Capitao, Tachanka and Fuze, Alibi and Maestro, Castle and Lesion, Jackal and Mira, Ying and Zofia, Frost and Kapkan, Jager and Glaz, Vigil and Dokkebi, Hibana and Ela, Echo and Twitch, Montagne and Clash, Buck and Maverick, finally Doc and Rook. You will enter two at a time into the simulated base, you are to treat this simulation as if it were a legitimate situation, get your gear ready I will be waiting in the building for you." I said walking towards the building. I was actually surprised by the diversity of the teams I totally expected everyone to stick with their departments, but some of them went with similar abilities and tactics.

"Y/n come in" Six said over my coms "I read you Six" I reported walking towards the building.

"I hope you aren't intending to use your fear gas on them" she said worriedly. "Also remember what I said about seriously injuring anyone."

"Relax, I don't have any on me only smoke grenades" I said nonchalantly "And I have no intention of killing any of them."

Time skip brought to you by Valkyrie kicking Scarecrow in the nuts while Blackbeard covers his eyes.

Pulse POV

Caviera and I entered the house through the basement we planted an extra breaching charge on the top floor and detonated them simultaneously to mask the hole in the basement we made we quietly snuck in staying as quiet as possible. I put away my M1014 and pulled out my heartbeat monitor and scanned the area. I quickly found a heartbeat right above us moving towards the stairs I signaled it to Tiana and she nodded then disappeared towards the ladder in the basement. "Damn she's quiet, and scary" I thought. Then I pulled my M1014 back out and headed towards the stairs I'm guessing Tiana was hoping to flank him so I took the head on route to form a pincer attack. I cleared the stairs surprised I found nothing then suddenly I heard a noise from the stairs above me ting, ting, ting, ting. A can rolled down the stairs I stopped it with my boot and all of a sudden smoke started pouring from it. "Shit how could I be so stupid" I thought angrily all of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me I turned and fired my shotgun and heard a feminine "oof" and my eyes widened.

I ran over to Tiana to check her wound I hit her square in the chest she was definitely out and will probably be a bit upset as she was groaning in pain squirming on the ground "Need some help there, pal" I heard from behind me. "Oh fuck" I muttered, I quickly drew my pistol and turned around only for my arms to be grabbed and flipped over his shoulder. as he drew his hidden blade and nicked my cheek.

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