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OO1. I KNOW YOU'RE NOT BASIC ! so your character shouldn't be either ! i don't want a bunch of mary janes, make your character unique! also for the sake of my sanity, please don't make your character related to any idols! (oops broke this rule but it's for the plot saur.. plus if we have like the whole industry's family in one group it just gets tiring)
OO2. LIVES OUSTIDE OF WATTPAD EXIST ! i understand that everyone has actual lives and school and stuff that may prevent them from being active. all i ask is that if you plan to be inactive for a while, please let me know beforehand ! also, i will be doing active checks just to see if y'all are still tuning in!
OO3. RESERVATIONS ! i've decided that this applyfic will not have reservations simply bc it seems fun to have y'all compete over slots /j in all seriousness, i just think that a reservation system can sometimes be unfair so i'm giving everyone an equal chance to get in. you can apply to up to two roles but only can have one oc chosen. the deadline to get forms in is august 15.
OO4. FACE CLAIMS ! there can be up to a 3 year age difference between your faceclaim and your oc. nobody wants to see rosé as an 04 liner, it just doesn't make sense. also, try to refrain from using problematic idols for fcs. however, i will accept them as vocal/rap/dance claims (why it gotta be the talented ones that are problematic 😟). some slots are going to be foreign so i ask that you keep the faceclaim of the same ethnicity!! (there is one slot that is slightly ethnicity bent but other than that everything matches with the ethnicity)
OO5. PASSWORD ! your favorite encanto character (if u haven't seen it just say ur fave disney character) + fave nct song. also not a password but please add this book to your library so you will receive notifications when i update! ty :)
OO6. I GAIN AND LOOSE INTEREST VERY QUICKLY ! just to let y'all know, i might slow down updates depending on my motivation/interest since i probably won't be writing as much if i'm more interested in another work. i ask that you be patient with me as spamming me asking about updates will not give me any more motivation. your interest does give me interestfor my books but if you comment about how i need to update like 10 times a day, it's not helping babes. however, if you guys want a certain update lmk bc your interest helps me stay motivated!
OO7. TURNING IN FORM ! so , i'm going to ask that you all keep your application in one comment chain so i can access them better! i accept both commented and google docs forms so whichever one floats ur boat 😁
OO8. QUEER PEOPLE EXIST ! i'm not gonna force y'all to make ur ocs queer like i did with my last applyfic (looking back some slots are implied to be queer but i'm not gonna tell u that they have to be gay, tho it would be v rad if you did go with that) but i also trust y'all to not submit a bunch of straight girls who are dating an nct member (jokes jokes i mean no offense to people who make those ocs)