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TW: Mentions of Suicide, blood, murder, guns. 

Scarlet red, a thread wrapped around her pinky seemingly made her drawn to the mysteries connected with it, the thread that represented crime. She couldn't help herself but wanted to solve them, debunk the messages and prevail the truth, bring the criminal into the light called justice.

That scarlet was most likely the reason she stood here too. In front of the police tape, prohibiting outsiders to just marching in. Without much thought she invited herself in, ducking under the tape in order to head towards the scene of the crime, hands delved into her pockets.

"Oi oi! Who are you- You can come in here! Teenagers shouldn't be-" A police officer attempted to stop her, running forward to block her path.

"Hah? Oh, right, apologies," she smiled at the officer, "I'm Handa Akari, Akio's younger sister. He called me to assist with a few things."

Without exchanging any more words, Akari greeted the officers who she knew and requested they show her the way towards the crime scene. They obliged, guiding her further in the house down a corridor, where five rooms were situated.

They opened the very first door in the corridor, and that was when it hit her, a strong whiff of something rusty filled her nostrils. If Akari had experienced this smell for the first time, maybe she would have vomited and run out, but by now she was used to the rusty smell.

There on his chair sat a man, his eyes shut and his hand dangling off the armrest, droplets of crimson tainting the wooden floor below. Her eyes observed the lifeless body, a hole blown into the right side of his head, the head tilted up and staring towards the ceiling and a gun held in his left hand.

"It's presumed he committed suicide."

Akari snapped her head around as the voice spoke, greeted by a familiar face, a cocky grin plastered on her face. The owner of the voice was none other than her brother, Akio, a twenty-six-year-old officer who worked as a police officer along with his twin, Horishi.

Her brother was tall, standing at 6'ft with short messy black hair and tanned skin. Out of her three elder brothers, he seemed to have inherited their mother's Hispanic features more, making him the centre of attention amongst his colleagues.

Akira on the other hand appeared to inherit their father's Japanese features slightly more than her mother's, only inheriting tanned skin and her mother's well-defined nose. Her hair was shoulder-length, messy and was raven in colour.

"What makes you come to that conclusion?" She taunted her brother, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because he was found alone in the room and there was the gun in his hand-"

"Look closely, yeah?" Akari pulled her brother to stand next to her, bending down towards where the gun was placed, "wouldn't it make better sense to have used his right hand to shoot? I mean, the hole is quite legitimately on the right side of his head."

Akio's mouth hung open slightly, making his way towards Akira to inspect the peculiarity of the scene, nodding in agreement. The girl smirked at her brother's reaction, diving her hands into her pockets.

"Also, look at the hand that's hanging, there's a cut there," she ventured through the drawers of the victim's room, "there's not one single sharp object here that could make a cut like that. Looking at the wound it should've been made around the time of the crime, which meant the victim struggled."

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