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The suspense only made Akira's adrenaline run wild, her heart beating against her chest as if it was going to come out of her. Her feet dangled on the edge of her seat, eyeing the view from the height she was at, overlooking tropical land. This, this was fun. The adrenaline, the anticipation that kept her on her toes, she loved it.

Shinichi and Ran, on the other hand, weren't as delighted to hop on this ride as Akira was. The moment they entered Tropical land Akira had spotted the giant tower, people dropping at high speeds without them knowing when it would happen. After a bit of back and forth, they finally gave in towards the teen girl detective, dragging their feet towards the ride.

Ran had her eyes screwed shut, clutching on her seat for dear life, keeping herself silent while she waited for their seat to finally drop. Shinichi wasn't afraid of height, but this ride was getting under his skin, sweat trickling down his temple.

"You scared Shin-chan?" Akira teased, nudging his ribs and facing her head towards him, using the nickname his mother had given him.

"Am not," he retorted.

"Oh really?" Akira smirked, turning her head to look straight forward, "well, keep a straight face on then."

Shinichi fell silent, the sounds of people screaming rang through his ear, blood pumping in his veins. He was falling, and fast. A scream tore through Ran's and Shinichi's lips at the sheer speed they were falling at, Akira laughed whole-heartedly, raising her arms up in the air and swinging it around.

Before any of them knew it they were on the ground, still strapped into their seat, heart racing as though they had run a marathon. Shinichi and Ran sat there, mind blanked and mouth hung open, lips quivering. Akira on the other hand was like a child on Christmas day, bright smile and laughing under her breath.

"That was fun! Let's go again."

"No!" Shinichi and Ran screamed.

So, there they were, at another place of height that overlooked the whole amusement park. Her green eyes stared into the lens of the telescope, mouth open in awe at the marvellous view. Shinichi stared at Akira from a distance, hands blindly pressing the buttons on the vending machine, hoping that he correctly pressed for cola.

He glanced down at his watch, leaning down to pick up the two cans of soda that sat at the bottom of the machine, quietly making his way over towards the tanned girl. He crept up on her, silently moving on his tip-toes, pressing the chilled drink against the nape of her neck.

Akira yelled, covering her hand over the cold skin on her neck, turning around to face Shinichi. He had a massive grin plastered on his face, holding out to drink towards the girl, winking.

"Really?" She smirked, taking the cold drink from his hands, about to open the can.

Shinichi glanced down at his watch once more, a sharp gasp tore through his lips, his hands reaching out for her wrist. Akira's heart skipped a beat, her body being dragged along with the boy down the flight of stairs, her feet trying to keep up.

"Oi, Shinichi what are you-"

"Shush, we don't have that much time, it starts in thirty seconds!" Shinichi exclaimed, dragging her out the entrance of the tower they were just in.

The wind blew past her hair, her heart racing in her chest, thumping against her heart. To her, they were in their own world, just the both of them; the crowd around them were not existent. Shinichi turned right, down a small flight of stairs, the sound of water gushing filled her ears.

They reached the centre, water fountains decorated near the staircases of where they were at, couples linking their hands, family and friends taking pictures. Akira's chest heaved up and down, placing a hand over her chest, trying to regain her breath.

"Ten, nine, eight," Shinichi counted down, capturing Akira's attention.

His hand was still wrapped around her wrist, calloused and warm, thumb grazing the front of her hands. His cobalt eyes stared at his watch, pulling her closer next to his figure, grinning massively. His heart hammered against his chest, worrying that Akira would hear the pounding of his heart over the gushing of water.

"Seven, six, five," he continued.

The sound of gushing water deafened from Akira's hearing, the only sound she heard was the thumping of her heart and Shinichi's voice, the soda can still clutched in her free hand.

"Four, three, two, one," Shinichi turned his head to look at Akira's dazed face, smiling.

"Zero!" He cheered, throwing both of their hands up in the air.

Akira observed closely, water began to surround them, enclosing them off until it was just the very two of them in the centre. Her eyes widened with sheer amazement, eyes trailing around at the walls of water that surrounded them, a rainbow forming over their heads.

Shinichi smiled, shoving a hand into his pocket, "they go off every two hours. And, you know you like things like this so," his words trailed off under his breath, a blush coating his cheeks.

Akira turned her head towards him, her lips tinted a soft rosy pink, biting her bottom lip to refrain a smile. Alas, all was in vain, a soft laugh escaping her lips which caught the boy's attention.

"Yeah, thanks. Next time don't drag me so suddenly though, I thought you were going to murder me," she teased him, holding out her can of coke, "cheers."

Shinichi's gaze lingered at her lips for a moment, a smile breaking out his lips at her comment, tapping his can against hers. They both went to open the can at the same time, only for a frothy liquid to splash all over their faces.

A moment of silence fell between them, staring at each other's face in shock only to be replaced with a laugh. The water that surrounded them lowered its heights until they were exposed to the others. Not that they noticed, they were too lost in their own world to recognise the countless eyes staring at them.

Ran stared in the distance, a camera in her hands with a motherly smile spread across her face, she definitely was going to send this to Sonoko.

A/N: Apologies for the short chapter, I'm planning for the story a lot so I've been off track! :) 

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