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The streets of Beika seemed to be bustling with teenagers roaming around the street to head to school while the adults rushed around to work. Akira could feel the chilly wind brushing at her skin, a nice cooling sensation.

"Did you hear, the two teenage detectives have done it again! They're so hot," a student spoke to her friend, huddling at the media store where the news was broadcasting.

Thanks for the compliment, she snickered to herself, confidence blooming up in her chest at the praise she had just indirectly received. Akira swept her fingers through her hair, grinning stupidly to herself.

"Hehehehehe," a recognizable voice sounded from in front of her, a tall frame hunched over with their shoulders shaking from laughter.

That egotistical rascal, she deadpanned, sweat trickling down her temple. Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective who is always so full of himself, her childhood friend. Akira would never admit out loud, fearing that it would fuel his ego even more, but he was a great detective despite his self-worshipping behaviour.

"Oi, Shinichi-"


Shinichi stumbled forward, hand pressed up against the back of his head in an attempt to soothe the pounding pain, snapping his head around to look at who hit him so forcefully. Akira on the other hand recoiled in surprise, fear rushing through her system while she looked at the other figure in front of her.

"Oi Ran, what was that for," Shinichi complained, hand still caressing his head.

"What do you mean? You left my tournament because of a case, Akira didn't even show up! My father hasn't been getting cases either." She crossed her arm over her chest, huffing.

Akira's eye darted around to find an escape, silently trying to slip past the two and walk ahead, keeping her head down so that Ran didn't notice her in the midst of her argument with Shinichi. She almost made her way through, one step away and she would've been free.

"It's not my fault your father is lazy and isn't good at his job," Shinichi averted his gaze from Ran, furrowing his eyebrows.

Everything happened in a flash, Akira was now on the ground, fright painted all over her face. Shinichi had also stiffened up, nose just grazing Ran's fist as it landed on the pole next to them, a dent punched into it.

"Hahaha... you're right," She laughed sarcastically, walking ahead of the two frozen teenagers on the floor.

Man, what a scary girl. Akira sweatdropped, pushing herself back onto her feet, dusting the dust off her skirt, snapping her head towards Shinichi.

"That was your fault," she complained, running ahead to catch up with Ran, causing the boy's eye to twitch with annoyance.

"Hah-" He attempted to retort back, watching her figure flee ahead of him towards Ran, observing how Akira profusely tried to apologize to Ran. Unknowingly, a smile had crept up onto his lips while she stared at Akira, placing his hands into his pockets before he jogged ahead to catch up with the two girls.

The three had been friends for as long as he remembered, always attached to the hip and defended each other no matter what. He remembered the first day of school when he stood next to Akira, getting scolded for his brash behaviour towards Ran, grumpily looking away with a blush.

"Shinichi," a voice snapped him back into reality, looking towards Akira who stared up at him curiously.


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