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A/N: I just realized the first couple of chapters stated her name is Akari. Since I've used Akira so much I'll stick with that name. But, thank you for the wait! I am back again.

Her feet collided with the heavy feeling of the punching bag against her skin, sweat trickling down the sides of her face, moving back to strike the bag with one more punch.  A couple week had passed since that incident, Akira only ever seeing Conan when she was walking to school with Ran or when she had to drop off school supplies for the girl. She had received calls from Ran about how much her father's job had been successful after Conan's appearance, which Akira congratulated her for. 

Not once, she had heard or saw Shinichi after the incident at Tropical land, only brief text messages were sent towards her number. Why can't I get that idiot out of my head! She clenched her teeth, using all of her strength to punch the bag in front of her, knocking it back onto the floor. A tiny dent, prominent to those who stood in the very room with Akira was sunk into the wooden floors, creating a dent.

The members of the karate club stared at her in shock, those who were in the middle of sparring stuck in the position they were attacking their opponents in silently watching her. Ran snuck over to Akira as the girl picked up the fallen equipment, whispering in her ears. That's where Ran mentioned that this week, she was going to stay at her mother's for her a bit, and that she didn't trust Conan in the hands of her father. 

"Hah? You want me to mind the brat?" Akira wiped the sweat off her brows with the cloth towel wrapped around her neck, raising an eyebrow.

"Please! Just for a couple of days," Ran pleaded, clasping her hands together and rubbing them, closing her eyes tightly.

Akira looked at her child-hood friend, placing her hands on the towel, "I mean, I don't have a problem with it."

"Thank you!" Ran cheered happily, throwing the karate bag over her shoulder as she jogged towards the front door, exclaiming that she was going to message Akira all the details when she got back home. 

So, on the coach of Akira's apartment, she let her back sink into the soft cushions of the sofa with her leg up on the arm rest. Her finger swiped mindlessly through the messages on her phone, pursing her lips as she looked at the contact name. All of a sudden, the warmth of her apartment, once filled with cheerful memory of her and Shinichi had become just shards in her mind, plaguing her. However, no matter how hard she tried to forget, it seemed that she was sinking deeper into the depth of confusion and despair.

Shinichi.... I don't want to lose you...

Akira closed her eyes, her phone slipping out of her grasp and falling onto the ground, a loud thump echoing the silence of her room.


"OW!" She fell onto her wooden floor, missing her phone by an inch as her head smacked against the glass table, the mug of coffee tipping over and making a mess of the once pristinely clean glass. 

Oh. Her mom would kill her if she saw what had just happened to her precious table.

Akira groaned loudly, rubbing her head as she opened one of her eyes, greeted by a fiery glare that bore into her own eyes. In Ran's hand, she could vaguely make out the spare keys to her apartment, which she had entrusted to Ran ever since her brothers moved out and her parents flew overseas. Behind Ran, Conan had clasped his hand tightly onto the strap of his backpack, smiling softly when he met Akira's gaze.

"Could you not just knock, I could be naked," she stood up with a grumble, dusting herself off as she stared into Ran's eyes, letting out a fearful yelp when the girl gave her a menacing smile.

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