Rekindled Mystery and Akira's disposition PT1 || Battle of the Detectives.

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"Hold on Conan-kun, we're almost there," Akira reassured, turning her head back slightly to glance at the boy, whom just laid his head quietly on her shoulder.

Being sick sucked. The shrunken form of Kudo Shinichi gripped Akira's shoulder slightly when he coughed, making sure that he wouldn't fall off her back as his head pounded. She took sharp breaths as she made her way up the stairs. Towards the left, mid-staircase stood a door that Akira opened. Inside held Ran and her father, bickering with each other as the sound of cans clattering filled the room, Ran sweeping them off the desk onto the bin bag she held in her hand. At the sound of the door opening, Ran turned her attention back towards Akira, her eyes widening slightly as she gasped.

"Akira- Gosh, Conan-kun, what happened?" Ran rushed over.

Gently, the female detective let him down onto the ground which Ran immediately squatted, placing a hand against his forehead, "you're burning!" She proclaimed.

Like I couldn't tell, Conan sarcastically remarks in his head, watching as Ran pulls away to talk to Akira. He sniffled loudly, dragging his way over towards the desk where Kogorou sat, the man glancing down to scan his condition.

"You look roughed up," he commented, glancing back to his newspaper as Conan coughed in response.

"So this is the Mouri agency," the sound of the door opening crept through the second of silence that fell through the room, all four heads turning their attention fully towards the door to the office, the three detectives raising an eyebrow while Ran just stared in confusion.

He wore a patterned hat, a mix of blue and white, letting placed on the front. Akira eyed him closely, crossing her arms as she carefully scanned over him. He was dressed well, darker skin than most Japanese she knew, callouses on his hands as he held the bag over his shoulder.

"Yeah, we're busy, you need to leave if you don't need anything," Kogoro glanced back down at his news paper as he rested his foot on the desk, receiving a strange look from Conan.

"I'm looking for someone," he announced, making his way further inside the agency as he occasionally darted his eyes around the room, "people say he's connected to that lady there, so I followed her."

Akira watched as he nodded over towards her direction, which she only returned his statement with a confused, "hah? Who are you even looking for?'

"Kudo Shinichi," he announced, placing his hands into his pocket as Conan looked at him in shock, "I heard he was this lady's boyfriend," he pointed over towards Akira, who blushed.

"W- we're not!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms.

"I- I mean..." Conan blushed, scratching his cheek as he also blushed before being interrupted by a cough.

"Anyways, why are you here? And, who are you?" Kogoro butted in, slamming down his newspaper on the table as he stood up.

"Hey, you're-"

"Nii-san, you're not from here are you?" Conan cut Akira off, sniffling slightly before smirking.

Akira turned to look at Conan, her eyes slightly widening at his statement.

"What makes ya say that?" the boy tilted his head, adjusting the bag strap.

"Well, first you have a duffel bag filled with clothes, based off the weight and shape. You seem unfamiliar to this area because you're tense, probably because the area here is unfamiliar to you, and.." Conan coughed, pointing towards his back pocket, "you have a map of Beika city. You're also a detective, right?"

"Wow, kid, what makes you say that?"

"Your eyes are constantly scanning around the room from the moment you entered through that door, even ow your eyes occasionally wander around the room for minor details. You're not with the police, and you seem around Shinichi-niichan's age," Conan cringed at the mention of his own name, sniffling, "which makes me deduce that you are a teen detective like Shinichi-niichan!"

Everyone in the room, apart from the man with the cap looked at Conan in astonishment, Akira's jaw practically touching the jaw as she stared at Conan. It took him a moment to register the situation, staring at Akira's stunned face before he laughed nervously, "just something I tried to copy based off Kogoro-ojiisan!"

"You're smart kid," the man ruffled his hair, pulling the cap up further so they could see his face smirking proudly as he stood up, "Hattori Heiji, Great Detective of the West. As I was saying before, I'm looking for the Kudo guy, do ya know where he is?"

Akira blinked a couple of times as she processed the situation, studying the man before, great. Another cocky detective to deal with. She crossed her arm, closing her eyes slightly before she replied, "he said he's off working on some case."

"Why are you here if you're some, hot shot, young, intelligent wannabe detective from Osaka?" Kogoro grumbled in annoyance, reaching to open another can of beer, only for it to be slapped out of his hands by Ran.

"Well, Japan has named him the Detective of the East, I'm Detective of the West. I thought I'd settle this once and for all who the better detective is," Heiji proudly proclaimed, smirking.

"Why don't you just challenge Akira, she's on par with Shinichi," Ran spoke up as she placed her hands onto Akira's shoulder.

Conan turned his whole body around, his shoulders moving he coughed wildly into his elbow, wheezing slightly.

"Oh! Your medicine! I forgot, sorry Conan-kun," Ran panicked as she rushed towards Conan to wipe the snot off of his face, turning to Akira, "sorry Akira, can you please grab the medicine from the cabinet please?"

Akira nodded, making her way over towards the door only to be stopped by Heiji, the boy making his way over to Conan as he crouched in front of him. In his bag, he dug in, pulling out a bottle covered by a white cloth.

"Here ya go kid, this should help," Heiji grabbed a shot glass to pour the liquid into, handing it over to Conan with a grin.

Conan stared at the glass, cradling it into his fingers before letting the liquid slip into his mouth and swallowing it at once, feeling the burn against his throat. His head swayed, a hiccup escaping his lips as he stumbled back a bit, heading straight towards Akira as she crouched down.

"Conan-kun!" She exclaimed, crouching down as her nose twitched, she could smell alcohol, "did you just give him baijiu!?" 

She was no stranger to the alcohol, in fact, she remembered her mother and Yukiko absolutely going to town with it just before Shinichi's parents moved. Akira, turned to Heiji, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Give me some of that!" Kogoro cheered, only for Ran to yell at him, Akira turning towards the door as she saw it open, the whole room frozen as a woman stood at the front.

"I- Is this, the Mouri Detective Agency?"

Akira's, Heiji's and Conan's lips curled up into a smirk, the Osakan standing up as he stood next to Conan.

"Battle?" Heiji turned to Akira, watching as she smirked in return.

"Game on."

Conan looked at them, covering his face as he coughed more, his head growing slightly dizzier as he felt weight slowly form on his heart.

"Is there anything we can help you with?" They spoke in synch, turning towards the woman with  a determined gleam in their eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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