CHAPTER TEN || Mission, cheer up Akira!

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Conan held his hands behind his back as he trailed closely behind Akira, watching as she walked closely next to Ran and Sonoko, clutching her school bag with a soft grin. From behind, he quietly observes her. The way the wind gently slipped through her hair, the way her finger tips were slightly red due to the cold, a scarf wrapped around her neck. He listened closely to their conversation, hogging a few steps to catch up next to Akira.

"Hahaha, no way! Your mom said that about your dad?" Akira laughed, "dense huh? Maybe all detectives are like that, dense about other people's feelings," she huffed.

"Aren't you a detective?" Ran teased Akira with a poke at her hips, a smirk decorating her face as she watched the girl jump back with a laugh.

"Yeah, but we all know Shinichi is the worst," Sonoko snickered, which Ran and Akira laughed in agreement.

Conan's eyebrow twitched a little as his lips jutted out into a small pout, you say that, but Akira is the one who failed to notice that I've liked her after all this time...

"Isn't it about time you confessed to Shinichi? You've liked him since-" 

"SHH," Akira cut Sonoko off sharply with a panicked look, a flustered look on her face, "you don't have to talk about that in front of Conan-kun! Mou..."

"W- well actually..." Conan stuttered with a blush on his face, scratching the side of his cheek as he rambled under his breath, "Iactuallywouldn'tmindthat...."

"Still, I agree with Sonoko, you should tell him! Everyone can tell you're both head over heels with one another," she snickered, watching as the female detective squirmed under their statements, moving back slightly.

"I know everyone says that... But I want to ask him myself... In person..." She mumbled, clutching her bag softly with a dragged sigh, the mood suddenly turning sour.

Conan stopped in his tracked as he stood next to Akira, whom looked down with her teary eyes, taking a deep breath in to calm herself down. Sonoko and Ran stopped as well, a small frown on their face as they looked at Akira in concern, placing a hand on each of the detective's shoulder. Guilt panged his heart as he stared at her, turning his own face away, a white glare over his glasses.

"Alright, that's it!" Sonoko exclaimed in midst of the silence, everyone in the area snapping their head towards the teen as her voice echoed, raising her fist up.

"Sonoko! Shh, keep it down," Ran panicked, grabbing onto her friend's shoulder and pulling her fist down.

Before he knew it, he was suddenly dragged along with the girls, forced to walk through countless stores and trudge through countless makeup shops as Sonoko took Akira around the mall, paying for countless items which price he often saw his mom splurge on herself. Slowly, he found himself smiling as he trailed after the three girls, laughing quietly to himself when Sonoko accidentally drew a mustache on Akira's face. Ran covered her face, laughing quietly to herself as the female detective looked between the three in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What?" Akira inquired, turning to look in the mirror before letting out a gasp, 'accidentally' turning around and drawing on Sonoko and Ran's face.

Akira grinned teasingly as the two girls glared playfully in return. 

Conan dug his hands into the pockets of his pants, smiling gently up at Akira as she snickered and laughed, walking next to Akira once they finally made their way out of the store, holding her hand so he 'wouldn't get lost'.

"Conan-kun," Ran called out to him, snapping him out of his daze, "would you like to come back today? Mom had work so I'll be coming back to the agency today."

Conan paused as he looked up at Akira, whom smiled gently down at him, a reassurance that it was fine if he wanted to head back. He paused slightly at her smile, the tips of his ears flushed red, looking down at the floor before he answered.

"I'll stay with Akira-neechan until tomorrow...." He tried to best to keep up the childish act, raising the pitch of his voice slightly.

Sonoko raised an eyebrow at him, crouching down slightly with her arms crossed, "Akira, does this brat have a crush on you or something? Careful, he'll try and keep you away from Shinichi," the girl teased, standing back up.

Conan glared at Sonoko with a blush, turning his face away as he made his way in between Ran and Akira. Meanwhile, the four had stopped in front of the cinemas, Conan taking a small glance at the movie posters. Aladdin? He hummed, reading the title of the movie.

"No way Sonoko! Conan-kun, it's not like that right?" She looked down to the shrunken teen to reassure her point, in which Conan only nodded.

"Right, right, cause your heart only belongs to Shinichi~" Ran sang as a tease, linking her arm around Akira so she didn't run away, Sonoko joining in.

Conan and Akira both blushed, while Akira attempted to move out of Ran's iron grip, Conan completely shut down. 

"Hey, maybe your love story is like Aladdin and Jasmine. Who knows, maybe he is secretly disguised as someone else, lying to you, all for the sake of love~" Sonoko sang, dancing with Ran romantically as they swirled Akira around.

"Don't be ridiculous, he told us right? He is solving a case? Ca-se, need me to spell it?" Akira snapped back with a frown, blushing slightly.

Actually, she got it spot on, a bead of sweat dripped down his temple, staring dumbfoundedly at the girls.

"Why doesn't he call you to ask for help? That's what you both always did before, you both are attached by the hip," Ran spoke up, now making their way towards the ticket booth, a silent agreement between all of them that they were going to watch the movie.

"Who knows, maybe he thinks I'm not good enough to solve cases on his level," a scary... No, scary does not describe the look on Akira's face at all.... Petrifying and murderous aura surrounded the teen as she looked up, a new flame in her eyes as she yelled out at the top of her lungs.


"Someone cheated on their girlfriend," a bystander walked by, jumping back slightly with a fearful look.

Someone help me, Conan desperately laughed to himself.

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