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TW: Mentions of Suicide, blood, murder, guns.

The once mourning family sat patiently on the couch, tension high in the sky as their hearts pumped against their chest. But, only one of them left this apartment tonight, as a criminal who thought it was right to toy with someone's life. They all sat there, patient, yet they were all dying inside to be informed the truth of what happened tonight.

Akari was over the moon in solving the case, the widest smirk spread across her face as she stood in front of the family, dark eyes sharpening. The room's temperature seemed to have increased, sweat trickling down everyone's faces.

"God it's hot," Tanaka Hiroto, the eldest son, complained. His hands fiddled with the zipper of his jacket before slipping it off, fanning himself with his hand.

"I know, it is, isn't it," the youngest son, Tanaka Haruto chimed in to agree with his brother, pulling his sweater off, "you sure you wanna be in that oka-sann?" Pointing at her turtleneck.

She smiled lovingly at her child, shaking her head and refusing, claiming that she was fine. In a matter of seconds, everyone's attention turned back towards the teenaged girl who was observing them with arms crossed, smugly smiling.

"So, you said you worked out who the murderer is?" Mrs. Tanaka spoke, cutting the silence that followed them after, wiping the sweat off her forehead while reaching out to take a drink.

"Oh, yes. I forgot about that," Akira hummed. "At 7:10 today, body of Mr. Tanaka Botan was found in his room his youngest son Mr. Tanaka Haruto. The case was ruled off to be presumably suicide at first, but later on concluded as a murder."

The girl closed her eyes, imagining the crime scene in her head, nodding along as she spoke, "first. Presumably the main suspect would be his eldest son, a hunter who has many rifles in his room and also had an argument with his father. But after inspection, I found that he was a very neat individual, despite this only one of his drawers had everything jumbled and messed up."

Akira opened one of her eyes, watching as the culprit's mouth turned dry, fingers fiddling together, "next was Tanaka Haruto who had just come home from work. Though, it would seem a bit weird don't you think? Since the first thing he did when he came home was gave you clothes, Mrs. Tanaka?"

She watched carefully as the woman's eyes widened, her two sons snapping her heads towards their mother, shock evident in their expressions, stumbling off the couch.

"Don't be ridiculous, I was showering! How could I have possibly killed him!" She protested against Akira, raising her voice.

She only gave the woman a smug face, turning towards the window, "simple. You just made it so it seemed like you were in the shower when you weren't actually."

"W- wait, what do you mean," the younger son spoke up, stuttering over his words.

"Like I said, she made it seem like she was in the shower when she wasn't," Akira repeated her words, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't be stupid! How could she have done that!" The eldest son snapped, about to launch at the teenage girl, only for her brother to step in and prevent it from happening.

"Cell phone," she stated, watching everyone's face morph into confusion. "She has two cell phones, am I correct?" She inquired, earning a nod from the two brothers, "I saw it earlier when I came in, her on the phone with someone. Then when I entered her room I saw another phone. I thought it was her husband's so I opened it, and it turned out it was actually her own phone. Presumably a business phone looking at the contacts and messages."

The youngest brother stood up, eyebrows furrowed, taking a step towards Akira in confusion, "what does having two cell phones have to do with this."

Akira snickered, "she created herself an alibi. That's what," she pushed past him and went into the bathroom.

Everyone followed her in silence, watching the teenager turn the tap on, closing the door after her and going into the office. The family looked confused by what she was doing, lips parted and eyebrows creased, disbelief in their eyes.

"Can you guys hear me?" A voice sounded from the bathroom, accompanied by the running of the water. A shocking gasp tore through both of the brother's throats and the police officers surrounding the scene.

"What? No, impossible!" The eldest exclaimed, breathing growing erratic.

"I'm sorry mister, but, this is very much the truth," Akira's voice sounded once more from the bathroom door, "she shot her husband just before her youngest son came home, intending to use him as an alibi. When she heard him enter she called him towards the bathroom and requested that she bring some clothes for her to change into."

The youngest son turned his head towards his mother, tears welled up in his eyes while staring at her in shock, shaking his head. Akira took a deep breath in, resting her head against the wall, continuing on.

"After she was sure you had gone into her room she came out, shut the door and went back into the bathroom, waiting for a change of clothes-"

"Evidence! Where's your evidence huh?" Mrs. Tanaka screamed at her through the bathroom door, panic evident in her eyes.

"I was just about to get to that part lady, slow down. The evidence is in the laundry room connected to the bathroom, in that plastic bag. Isn't that right, Tanaka-san?" Akira smirked, hearing her brother tell the other policemen that he'll go check.

"Also Tanaka-san, your turtleneck, what's hiding under it is another piece of evidence," the teenager spoke for a final time, hanging up on her phone to head out, staring right at the woman, "the evidence of him fighting for his life, and your chipped nails."

Police officers immediately turned to her, "Tanaka-san-"

The woman shook her head, staring at the ground while her fingers hook at the turtle neck, pulling it down to reveal red finger marks. Her sons trembled, eyes watering in shock and anger. Silence fell on the family, Akio running out a moment after with the bag in his hands, nodding at Akira.

"Why... Why!?" The eldest cried, rubbing his tears, "why did you do that!?"

"Because, the reason we're in such a bad situation is because he never gave a damn about us!" The woman screamed at him, tears slipping past her eyes, "he was the reason our family is struggling. I asked him if he could stop gambling, and you know what he said? 'I couldn't care less about you guys.' That's what he said!"

The police officers looked at eachother, a silent agreement to put the woman in handcuffs, grabbing her hands and placing them behind her back. The small click could be sounded in the room as the handcuffs clicked in place,

"Tanaka-san, you are arrested for murdering your husband."

Akari followed the police out of the house, intending to accompany her towards the police car, though not a word dare utter pass their mouths. Her shoes sounded against the marbled floor as the woman was led out, the police car waiting patiently for them, opening the door so that the woman could hop in.

"Girl, who are you?" Tanaka-san spoke, looking the teen girl in the eyes, tilting her head.

"Handa Akari, detective," she smirked as the car door shut, the woman staring at her while the car drove off, leaving Akari to stand in the cold.

"Oh- Ari, you're here too?"

Eh? She turned her head around, sighing softly under her breath when she was greeted by another familiar face, grinning up at him.

"Oh yeah, I heard there was a case today so I came, Horishi-niichan."

The fairskined boy smiled at her behavior, ruffling his younger sister's hair, blue eyes gazing down at his sister's shorter form, "I see. Though, I thought you would've gone to Ran's karate championships today..."

Wait... Shit! She hurriedly checked her phone, fear embedded in her body when she saw ten miss calls from Ran and fifty messages. Horishi glanced over her shoulder, peering down at her phone before he herself felt a shiver run up his spine, laughing nervously.

"Haha... Good luck sis..."

"I'm so dead!" She screamed.

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