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"Wooo!" Sonoko screamed loudly, her face a deep red colour as she observed the men on the archery team.

"Haha," Akira observed the girl, laughing nervously as the people around her stared at Sonoko, a bit awkward.

Oi oi, Conan chuckled sarcastically, sitting in between Ran and Akira. The four of them had recently received an invitation from Akira's oldest brother to watch him during practice, though the original invitation Conan had receive was for his older self, Shinichi. After constant pressuring from Ran not to stay at home by himself, he agreed to tag along with the three girls, making sure that as soon as he got there he ran straight to Akira.

"Come to think of it, isn't your brother the best in Japan?" Ran questioned, glancing towards the man as he drew the string back.

His hair was tied up into a tiny ponytail at the back of his head, a calm aura seemed to surround the man, hypnotizing the crowd. He took deep breath in, carefully taking his time to aim, before letting go, the arrow flying and hitting the middle of the target.

"DAICHI-SANNNNN!" The crowd of girls next to them screamed, Akira's eyebrow twitching, letting out a sigh.

The moment the competition ended and the audience went home, the four of them headed towards where Daichi waved them over, the man taking his sister in for a hug.

"It's been a while, Aki," he smiled, pulling up the sleeves of his yukata up slightly, "hello Ran, Sonoko."

The two gave a bow.

"Mhm, I haven't seen you since you left to compete in America!" She enthused, "ah! This is Conan!"

She grabbed the boy's hand, Conan's face burning bright red from the contact, looking down at the floor. Daichi gave a soft laugh, leaning down to greet Conan properly, giving the boy a pleasant 'nice to meet you' before pushing himself back up.

"Where's Shinichi?"

Akira froze, her mouth gaping open slightly at the question, chewing on her lips. Ran and Sonoko looked at each other, a worried expression on their face. Conan stared at her sadly, turning away from her with a dark expression on his face, something that didn't go unnoticed by her brother.

"He told us  he went to solve a case somewhere!" Sonoko butted in, Ran nodding along, "he'll be back soon I'm sure."

Will I? Conan turned to look at Akira who was deep in thought.

"I need to use the bathroom!" Sonoko chimed in, "I'll be back."

"Hey wait! Do you know where-" Akira turned her head, only for the girl to disappear from her sight, "jeez."

"Come to think of it, this kid looks like Shinichi when he was younger," Daichi commented, leaning down and grabbing Conan's shoulder when he tried to look away, taking in his appearance.

"No way! No way!" Akira denied, shaking her head, "no way that the kid is Shinichi!" I think, she thought.

"R- Right! I'm not related to him!" Conan replied, pulling out of Daichi's grip with a nervous laugh.

"Right right!" Akira nodded in agreement.

"Alright..." Daichi looked between the two.

Before Conan could further defend himself, a scream interrupted the five of them, all of their heads snapping towards the voice. Conan and Akira immediately took off towards the sound, turning the corner before stopping with their eyes wide. Ran and Sonoko let out a loud scream as they turned the corner of the wall, Daichi standing there in shock.

A woman, collapsing on the floor with an arrow impaled through her chest, bloody writing on the wall next to her.


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