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"Hey, Conan-kun, do you have a crush on anyone at school?" Ran cuts through the silence, nudging Akira's arm teasingly, earning a harsh slap across the back.

The street lamps illuminated the path for them, the cold chilly air nipping at Akira's cheeks, disguising the blush on her face. Conan glanced up at her curiously, heart thumping against his chest, sapphire eyes trailing across her facial features. He took in the way her lips extended into a pout, green eyes shimmering against the light, messy hair resting against her shoulders, his hands held in hers.

"N- not really, no," he mumbled out, staring onto the ground, allowing himself to indulge in his memories for a moment. Back when they were three.

"Akira. Akira! Hurry up!" Shinichi exclaimed, waving her over to him, pacing his way down the steep hill of their school.

"Be careful!" She worriedly yelled after him, slowly and steadily making her way down.

He scoffed, increasing his pace down in order to get down the hill, ignoring her worried cries. Shinichi yelped, misplacing his foot and loosing his balance, crashing down onto the ground in front of him, slicing his leg open.

Shinichi let out a pained cry, tears welling at his eyes, holding the knee closer to his chest. Akira, hearing his cries rushed down towards him, kneeling down next to the crying boy. Teary eyed, he stared at her with a pout on his face.

In that moment, Akira leant down, placing a loving his on the cut on his knee with a toothy grin. His heart skipped a beat, his flaring up a deep crimson colour. She brushed her brown hair back, standing up as she offered him a helping hand.

"Mom always told me that a kiss can help the pain, so it won't hurt anymore!" She giggled at her statement, looking at though she had just saved the world.

"I- Um," Shinichi stumbled over his own words, staring down at his knee.

"Conan-kun!" Ran called him back to reality, his eyes darting to observe the cheeky grin on Ran's face, "did you know Akira has a crush?"

Akira gasped, the book of betrayal washing over her face, her whole face becoming red. She stuttered over ehr own words, glaring at Ran.

"I bet he's that Shinichi guy she was looking for," he teased Akira, staring at her closely to notice that her eyes widened, head snapping towards Conan.

Ran giggled, "correct!"

His heart felt as though it was going to thump out of his chest, his cheeks flaring up and his body seemed to heat up despite the cold weather that surrounded the three of them. She liked me? I mean, Shinichi me? He thought in his head, the hand that held hers loosened in shock. His heart felt as though he took the poison again.

"You didn't need to tell the kid that," Akira replied, flabbergasted by Ran's outburst, turning her face away.

Conan felt in that very moment, he needed to tell her everything. The drug and its effects, the men who turned him into this kid, the fact he's Shinichi, and most importantly, that he feels the same way. His mouth parted, ready to announce everything.

"Taxi!" A voice cried out in the midst of everyone's silence.

Akira snapped her head up, Ran dead panning while Conan turned his attention towards the voice. A middle aged man rushed out of a little stairway, the stair leading up to two different doors, the lowest door with "detective agency" written out the front.

"Dad!" Ran called out for him, pulling the two standing figures into the taxi after her, Conan pressed right into the middle.

"What are you kids doing here?" Kogoro spoke up after Ran called for him, glaring at the three, "and who's this brat in the middle?"

"Oh dear," Akira sweated, lips pressed up into a tight frown as the taxi set off. What has she gotten herself into?

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