Wake Up

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"Hope is the thing with feathers -

That perches in the soul -

And sings the tune without the words -

And never stops - at all"

-Emily Dickinson

Thank you @grapejuice101for everything you've done in helping me complete this story!

Thank you @grapejuice101for everything you've done in helping me complete this story!

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(Lexi's POV)

The bell rang, finally signaling the end of class. Unfortunately, the school day wasn't over yet. I walked out of class with my head held high as I observed my fellow classmates. Their energy buzzed around me. The Spirit Rally was just a day away and no one could contain their excitement. 

I, personally, couldn't see what the big deal was. The Spirit Rally was just another overrated way for Carrie to show off to the entire school. Of course, I would know first hand. Carrie and I used to be best friends. We even started the band she turned into the flashy K-Pop group it is now-- Dirty Candy. The band changed her, turned her into a spoiled brat and a bully, and I didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

When I quit and stopped hanging out with her five years ago, I expected no one to want to come near me let alone welcome me as  new friend. But then Julie came and invited me to eat lunch with her and Flynn one sunny lunch period with open arms. Flynn was a little apprehensive, but when I told her how I truly felt about Carrie and her Barbie posse, her hesitation subsided and we got along great. Julie and Flynn were there for me when we found out that my dad had been having an affair. They opened their homes to me when the fighting at my own house became too great. For whatever reason, Mom and Dad were still together, but wedded bliss went out the window ages ago. 

Then Flynn and I were there for Julie when she lost her mom. Julie hadn't quite healed from the trauma, and she seemed to be stuck in a depressed slump. She even quit playing music, and it was affecting her position in the music program. I wished there was something we could do, but Julie kept everything close to her chest. Everyone had walls, it took special people to be able to tear them down.

As I walked towards my locker, Flynn bounded next to me, bumping my hip with hers. "Hey, freak," she playfully chimed. The girls and I had fun greetings for each other. Flynn decided on 'freak'  because according to her, I was tuned into other people's energies, and I liked supernatural stuff like ghosts, spirits, and magic. And I was sure my unique wardrobe choices encouraged her more.

I smiled at her and replied, "Hey, loser."

We shared a small laugh as we strolled away from my locker, happening upon Julie at hers. "Hey, underachiever," Flynn greeted her.

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