Flying Solo

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Thank you @grapejuice101! Your quotes are freaking awesome!!

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.



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(Lexi's POV)

Murmurs traveled around the room while Julie and I smiled awkwardly, trying to come up with some form of excuse. We had just finished performing Luke's song, Bright, and the boys even performed with us, but when the music ended, they vanished.

Julie caught Nick's gaze, and he shrugged his shoulders with confusion and exasperation.

Then the MC came on stage. "Hey, where'd the rest of the band go?"

"Wait," Carrie's friend, Kayla interjected, "Were those holograms?"

Everyone's gaze shifted to her, Carrie and Brad shooting daggers at her. Going along with it, I said, "Yes! Yes, they were holograms."

Julie and I chuckled nervously before she continued, "Yeah, I plugged it into the ceiling projector before the show. I'd explain it, but it involves algorithms and science stuff."

The audience applauded and cheered while Julie and I shared a relieved glance. But my brows furrowed when Reggie came on the stage and started waving his butt around, testing whether anyone could see them. Despite how weird he looked, I forced myself to ignore him and continued to smile at the crowd.

As the applause quieted down and a few mutters echoed throughout the gym, Reggie descended the steps, saying, "Yeah, I don't think they can see us."

"I wish I couldn't see you," Alex muttered.

Principal Lessa clapped and spoke to the attendees as a whole, "Okay, people, show's over. Let's get back to class, please."

The student body started filing out of the gym, but Carrie, Brad, and Kayla hadn't followed suit yet.

"What was that?" Brad asked Kayla incredulously.

"Were those holograms?" Carrie mocked in a high-pitched voice.

While they ganged up on Kayla, Reggie stepped between them and tried to get their attention. "Hey, there. Hi. Reggie."

"What even is that?" Carrie scoffed, "What was that?"

Then Carrie and Brad started storming away, and Kayla followed like a lost puppy. All the while, Reggie was still trying to get their attention. "Could I call you some time? What's your number?"

I rolled my eyes at him as Julie released a deep breath and kneeled on the stage in front of Mrs. Harrison. "Mrs. Harrison, I am so sorry for not asking permission." She sat down. "I just wanted to show you I belong here."

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