CHAPTER V - The Meet-up

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Continuing their path, Krystal noticed that Fili stayed closer to her than usual and that he was looking around more like he was cautious about everything around them. She asked Fili if everything was ok. He looks at her, and said, "Oh... yeah, everything's fine. Just, taking in the scenery that's all." Krystal looks at him knowing something was wrong. Wanting to know what was wrong, she did not say another word about it and stayed closed to Fili. Marie, at some point, asked Jack why he was wearing the cloak he had. Jack looked at her and said, "Well, you see, I'm a Northern Wolf, and us North wolves can't handle heat very well, so we made ourselves these cloaks to keep us cool, but the way it keeps us cool is a more complicated story itself." Marie, desperately wanting to know, asks politely if he could tell them. Jack chuckles a little and says, "Well, in that case, have you all ever heard of the lost fragments?" As they looked at each other confused, Jack continues, "No? Well, there are these crystals that we wolves from the North call the lost fragments. They say they are pieces that were once connected to the Optimatrix but got lost when it was destroyed. Now we have found those fragments and have used them to create things that weren't possible, like this cloak for example. Making them inside the cloak is a story that I do not know yet." As the others stood there amazed by the story, they all stayed silent and kept on walking.

As the evening was setting, they finally made it to the little town where they will meet Jack's friends. Before entering the town, Fili was scared to enter. The others tried to encourage him, but Fili would not budge, but then Toby thought of the time Fili had the bandana cap he had on. No one thought Fili was fox when he had it on. They sadly did not have a bandana but, Jack did have an idea. He tore a piece off his tent and gave it to Fili to use as a bandana. Fili wondering why he would do that for him took the torn tent piece and tied it around his head to hide his ears.

Entering the little town, Fili was terrified. Nearly touching shoulders, Krystal saw how cautious he was to all his surroundings. Seeing him this way made her feel horrible for what has happened to him in his past, so she grabbed a hold of his hand to see if it would calm him down. It did calm Fili down, but it made his heart rush faster making him nervous even more. Finally walking into the tavern, Jack told the others to go sit at a table that he will be right back. As they sat at the table, Marie was getting a little nervous in there, she noticed a few male cats looking at her, but Toby held her tight to him to show domination against the other male cats. After a bit of waiting, Jack showed up and took them to another table where his friends were sitting at. "Guys, and gals, meet Tom, Lily, and Spencer." Said Jack as he introduces Fili and them. "So, you did get some recruits. I actually can't believe you got some more help." Said Tom. "Ohh, and it looks like he brought a looker as well." Said Lily. Marie got extremely jealous and said, "Now just watch yourself, lady! He's mine!" Lily laughs and says, "Darling I'm not talking about the talking furball. I'm talking about the wolf he brought." Lily said as she walks around Fili, touching his fur. Krystal felt a bit of rage in her but kept her cool. "Hey, leave the young wolf alone Lily. It looks like he's already taken." Said Spencer as he pointed toward Krystal. Fili and Krystal were both shocked, and Fili said, "Oh no! We're not dating or anything!" Spencer looked at Fili weirdly, knowing something was up but kept silent. Jack stood there, letting them talk for a bit, and offered to dine here in the tavern. They accepted the offer and ate there.

While they were eating, Jack asked Tom if he had heard anything about Jim. Sadly, Tom has not heard a single thing. Feeling of self-guilt, Jack pulled out the little device he had and showed him something to Tom. Jack was showing him that more and more of these boxes were being dropped every day and told him that it looks like they're not stopping anytime soon. As the two talked, the others were listening to a wolf guitar player singing on stage. Listening to him, Fili notices some of the animals in the tavern looking at him. Spencer noticed as well and asked Fili where he came from. Fili not wanting to answer, Toby jumps in and asks Spencer how he and Jack become friends. As Fili listens more to the guitar player end his song, Krystal asks Fili what's wrong. Fili getting worried, tells her that he will be right back that he's going to do something. As Krystal watches Fili leave, Marie asks her where he is going. Not knowing for sure, Jack and Tom came to their table to see if they were ready to leave but saw that Fili was gone. Wanting to know where he went, they suddenly all heard the crowd cheering to one that was singing on stage introducing a guitar player that has had a terrible life and wanting to make it better. After introducing him, he said Fili's name and left the stage. As the others were surprised to see Fili on stage, Fili started to strum on the guitar playing a little tune and then started to sing a little song. As they listened to the song, it was about a war that happened and about a boy that was hated because they blame him for it, but then it went on to a part where he starts singing about this girl that he meets, that he can't stop thinking about and hides his feelings for her. As Krystal listened to the song, she thought it was beautiful, but she also thought it kind of felt like he was singing about her. After he got done singing, everyone in the tavern cheered for him.

When Fili got back to the others, they all were surprised that he could play a guitar and sing but was cheering him on. As he stood there, a female wolf walks up behind him and starts to try flirting with him. Krystal feels jealousy build up in her, she takes Fili by the hand and pulls him out of reach but accidentally makes the bandana he had on fly off. Everyone in the tavern was shocked and started to boo at Fili and was yelling at him to get out of there. They all ran out of the tavern and out of the little town to get away from the crowd. As they walked through the forest to get a certain distance away from the town, Krystal was apologizing to Fili for what she did, that she did not mean any of this to happen. Fili tells her it's ok, that it's nothing to worry about, she stops him and asks him if that song he sung about the boy and girl, if he was singing about her. Fili feeling embarrassed and nervous to say anything, takes a bit to answer back, and right before he says anything, Toby yelled for Fili and Krystal if they are coming. They stood there silently for a minute then Fili said that we should be catching up to them before they leave us.


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