CHAPTER XVI - Turning Sides

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Continuing their path, Krystal pulled Marie to the back, all excited telling her about her and Fili. While they were having their girl talk, Toby patted Fili on the back saying, "Sooo, how did you two do? Like on your own?" Fili replied saying that everything went alright that he and Krystal are more than friends now. Toby's eyes opened wide as he said back, "Really?! Wow! Congrats man!" Fili chuckled a little, thanking him but his face changed to a lone one for he can't forget the nightmare he had.

Getting close to their destination, suddenly, a helicopter came out of nowhere. They all panicked and started to run but a few soldiers stopped them. As the helicopter landed nearby, the three soldiers kept them hostage till Sergeant Mark walked out and greeted them. Mark apologized for scaring them and said that they have no need to be afraid. Jack doesn't buy it and says that if he had his powers, they would all be dead already. Mark laughed and spoke, "The reason why you don't have your powers is because its being drained." jack replied, "By what?" Mark told him about the machines and the plan behind them and said that he wanted Tyler's plans to be destroyed. Jack questioned him why and Mark replies, "I'm tired of seeing innocent Tyrians being killed every day from hate." From there they discuss a lot of things about whether they can trust him and what happens if the plan doesn't work. Mark explains to him that him and his four men will help and that they can sneak them into the facility. As time continued, Jack doesn't trust Mark but accepts his help. Mark tells them that they must make it to the Seaside Coast before tomorrow that Tyler's plans will begin to unfold if they don't stop it. Mark and his men leave as the others make their way to Seaside Coast.

Finally, making it to Seaside Coast, they all made their way to a little restaurant to eat. Waiting for their order, Fili looks around to all the humans. He has never seen so many in one place. Krystal walks up behind holding onto Fili's arm saying, "This place is beautiful! What I wouldn't give to live here." Fili looks at her and says, "Would you want to?" Krystal surprised by the question replies, "Wh-what? No! I mean... Ugh, I don't want to leave everyone back at Nightglow. That would be wrong." Fili hears the others calling for them. He kisses her forehead and says, "Well, wherever we stay, I'll be happy, because I'm with you. Now let's head back, I hear them calling us."

After they get done eating, Jack tells them that they can look around a bit while he tries to find Mark. So, they all split up looking at everything that Seaside Coast has to offer. As Fili, Astro, and Krystal looked around, she found a very beautiful dress. As she looked at it, Astro asked Fili if something seemed off. Fili took a sec to listen around but couldn't find anything. Astro then continues, "I don't know Fili, I'm getting a very bad feeling." Fili told him that there is nothing to worry about. They kept looking around till a wolf came close to Krystal. He told her that how about him and her go to the bar that she will buy her a drink. She told him that she does not drink that stuff and that she is not interested. She could tell that there was something wrong with him. As the wolf was getting furious, he grabbed a hold of Krystal's hand trying to force her, but Fili came and punched the wolf in the face, knocking him to the ground. The wolf got up and started to try to fight with Fili but could not hit a shot for being too drunk. As Fili dodged every punch the wolf threw, Fili struck a punch right at the wolf's breadbasket knocking the air out of him. Fili then grabs a hold of Krystal, growling at the wolf showing that he won dominance over her.

That night at the Inn, Astro noticed Fili sitting alone outside. He takes a seat beside him asking what's wrong.

Fili: "When we were walking around today, I noticed that Krystal was getting looks from other wolves."

Astro: "Maybe they have never seen a beautiful wolf like her before."

Fili: "But I want it to stop. I don't want to go to every village or town and deal with something like I did today. I hate it."

Astro: *Stays silent for a bit* "Well... maybe there is one way to make it stop."

Fili: *He looks at him* "And what's that?"

Astro: "You can... always try marking her. To make it known to other animals she is taken."

Fili: "Wh-what? Marking her? I can't do that. Not now! It's... It's too soon. We just started to date about two days ago."

Astro: "Then I don't know. Maybe you should go talk to her about it."

Fili: "I... I can't do that. She will think of me otherwise. I can't lose her."

Astro: *gets up* "Look, of what I seen before you two started to date, it looks like she doesn't want to lose you either." *Walks away*

Fili sits there pondering what Astro had told him, but he is afraid of asking her, afraid of her thinking about him otherwise, afraid of her not wanting to be with him. Jack then comes out to get him that he is needed for the plan that he and Mark have put together. Standing there, listening to the plan, Krystal comes and stands next to him holding his hand. As they listened, Mark said, "None of the girls cannot come. It will be too dangerous. If the plan fails, we need you to report it as soon as possible." From there, he explains that his four men will be dropping them up in a little boat that looks like their own tomorrow for them to sneak in secretly and that he will be with Tyler the whole time distracting him. They all agree with the plan and head to bed. Fili wanted to tell Krystal about what Astro talked to him about, but he was scared too. Was he making a mistake not telling her? Would she still love him for asking her? Would she leave him? All these questions and more made Fili toss and turn the whole night without having any sleep.


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