CHAPTER IX - The Split-Up

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As dawn was breaking, the adventurers woke up, ate, and gathered their belongings and continued their path. Fili and Krystal hung close with each other, not caring about the looks they got from everyone. Marie was just taking it all in, noticing what was happening. She got close to Toby asking him if he had noticed, and yes, he had but he was afraid of what other animals would think. Going to Jack and his friends, they were talking about how Fili and Krystal were acting with each other.

Tom: "Something ain't right, have you been noticing them?"

Jack: "yes, I have, and its none of our business."

Tom: "I know but... if they are... a thing, it's disgusting."

Lily: "Now just wait there Tom! I've seen you flirting with females that is NOT your species."

Tom: "It was a Southern Wolf and that was only ONE TIME LILY!"

Lily: "Noo, I've seen you done it to others out of the wolf species. Naming Emily is one."

Tom: *embarrassed* "How do you know about her!?"

Lily: "Haha oh I've got my ways."

Tom: "Why you little..." *Holds his fist up at her*

Jack: "Now hold it!"

Tom and Lily stand there staring at him.

Jack: "I don't want to hear another word about interspecies stuff! You two got it?!"

They don't say a word.

Jack: "Well then, keep moving!"

Spencer: *watched all what happened and speaks to Jack* "Uhm, Jack?"

Jack: "What is it, Spencer?"

Spencer: "I just... wanted to know let you know that we are close to human territory."

Jack: "Alright, thanks."

Continuing their path, they all started to hear a sudden noise erupting from the sky. Then suddenly, a box crashed right in front of them, causing the ground the crack and shake all around. They all got cautious and walked closer to it till it started to turn on and moving its machine parts around. It twists out a transparent glass ball and then it starts to drill into the ground and stops. They all stood there scared on what it was about to do till a helicopter came out of nowhere with a speaker saying, "DO NOT TRY TO RUN! WE ALREADY HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" Then suddenly, Army soldiers came around the back of the box shooting at them. Then Jack formed an ice wall around them where the bullets wouldn't penetrate through it. Fili and the others were scared about what to do, Jack told them to stay here that he and his friends would take care of this. As Jack and his friends rushed out, Jack blew snow everywhere so the soldiers could not see. Tom was killing every soldier he saw till something big hit him and knocked him into the machine causing a dent in it. Spencer ran over to Tom to check if he was ok, till Spencer saw a ball rolling towards him. Spencer's hair stood up all over him, knowing what that was, quickly helped Tom and ran for their lives. Suddenly... "BOOM!!!" The grenade went off causing massive damage to the machine. As they were running for cover, the machine started to turn on and drill more into the ground and start to make a humming sound. Some of the soldiers were getting worried what was happening, but some were still shooting. As Jack and his friends came back to Fili and them, he noticed the ice he made started to melt, fast! Jack tried to make another ice wall, but his ice power was gone. Starting to worry, the only cover they had was the machine to hide behind. As they ran behind it to hide, they heard a soldier yell, "GRENADE!!!" and threw it right beside the machine. It blew up causing the machine to malfunction and electricity started to come from it. Everything around started to slowly rise from the ground causing zero gravity a great distance of land to crack and rumble. The soldiers started to retreat while the adventurers were trying to get back down but the machine started to make a humming sound louder and louder then suddenly, "ZWOOM!!!" One by one, the adventurers started to disappear from the soldiers. After the last adventurer disappeared, the machine blew up, leaving no trace behind


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