CHAPTER VIII - Hiding the Truth

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As night started to settle in, everyone was at camp sitting by the fire apart from Fili. Krystal was walking about the camp looking and wondering where Fili has gone. Starting to get nervous, she asked Toby where he has gone, he replied saying that he went to wash himself off at a pond that he found earlier. Thanking him, she asks where the pond is at. Giving her a weird look, he points in the direction where the pond is located and tells her it's straight that way. Thanking him again, she heads to the pond.

After walking for a while, Krystal finally found the pond where Fili was. Staying hidden behind a tree, she sees him out in the water swimming around. Amazed by the way he swims; she keeps watching him till he finally notices someone behind a tree. Fili got startled and starts asking who's there. Krystal knowing she is busted, she walks out behind the tree revealing herself. Fili embarrassed by Krystal's presence, ducks down into the water to his neck. Krystal hiding her eyes from embarrassment, says sorry for disturbing you and starts to walk away but gets stopped by Fili saying, "Why did you come here?" Krystal not turning, says, "I was worried. I haven't seen you at camp any and I was wanting to know where you were. But now I know that you're alright, I best leave you be." Right before she leaves, Fili stops her and says, "Wait, let me finish up and we can talk if you like?" She smiles and says back that she would love too. After he gets out, he and Krystal find a place to sit and talk for a while. They both talked about their favorite things and places they would like to go. Till at some point, Krystal got quiet and asked him if she could ask something important. Fili of course says, "Yes". She takes a deep breath in and said, "Do you remember the song you sung at the tavern?" Knowing where this is going, he says yes, and asks her why. "Well... was it about me?" she says embarrassed. Fili getting all nervous, tries to talk around but Krystal begs him to tell her. He sighs and says, "Well... have you ever dreamt of finding someone that you could love?" She looks at him cluelessly on what he was talking about, Fili continued, "I've dreamt of finding a vixen, in hopes to fall in love with. That song it would be for the one I would fall for, but the more I look the more I feel lost." Krystal starts to notice tears coming from him, but Fili continues more, "I mean... would she love me? Would she just hate me as anyone else would? No one doesn't love me, and no one will ever love me because you know why?!" Krystal looks at him seeing him upset for the first time and says nothing. "Because I am a fox! No one doesn't like a fox; they don't even care about foxes! They only care about.... themselves." Krystal sits there in shock seeing Fili act like this for the first time. Fili notices himself getting upset and apologizes to Krystal for acting this way and tells her that he will leave her be. Right before he leaves, Krystal stops him and tells him that she has no clue what he has been through in his life but that she cares for him. Fili stands there quietly as she continues, "Fili... you have friends that care about you. Toby, Marie, Jack, Spencer, they care about you. I care about you Fili!" Fili says, "but... what about everyone else? How will I ever find a place to live?" Krystal responds, "You can live in the castle the Queen won't mind at all; besides, I've gotten used to you being around the castle. " Fili blushed from the response he got and thanked her very much. They both stood there for a bit till Fili said, "Well, we better head back before the others start to worry." Krystal smiled and took hold of his hand and agreed with him. Fili blushed and grabbed her hand as well.

Back at the camp, as everyone wondered where Fili and Krystal had gone to, they heard laughter nearby till they both came out of the woods with each other. Everyone sat there as they watched the two hang close to each other. Jack making it none of his business, gets the group together and tells them that tomorrow, they will be entering into human territory. That they should be on high alert and not make themselves known. From there, he shows them the path they will be taking, and they all headed to bed.


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