CHAPTER XV - Back Together

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As the morning sun rose, Fili began to wake up with a knocking on the door. He opened it up to Jack coming in with wounds and blood all over him. Panicking on what happened, he also questioned him on how he found them. Jack tumbled on the bed, trying to breath but blood was filling in his lungs. Fili not knowing on what to do, he asks him who done this to him. Jack was unable to answer the question because he was about to die. As Fili was about to run out of the room for help, he saw blood all over the walls with dead bodies on the floor. He stood there in shock trying to pull himself back together till someone from behind kicked him knocking him down forward. As he turned around to see who it was, the unknown figure grabbed him by the face and started to lift him off the ground. As Fili tried to loosen his hands, he could hear the screams that sounded close to Krystal. Trying harder, the figure stuck a gun to his head saying, "I... Am... Death!" and shot his gun. Fili woke up in a panic attack trying to catch his breath. Tears ran down his face as tries to forget the horrific nightmare till Astro came knocked on the door asking if everything was alright. Fili stuttered and said everything was fine. Astro took what he said and said back, "Well, you better come on down and eat. We will be heading out soon." Fili replied saying he will be down in a minute.

Fili was trying to make his way downstairs but stumbled a lot from the nightmare he had. Krystal silently made her way behind Fili and spooked him making him yell out in a panic. Krystal saying sorry, asked him why he was acting so weird. Then out of nowhere, he wrapped his arms around her with tears coming from not saying anything. Krystal wrapping her arms around trying to comfort him was asking him what was wrong. Fili held her tighter telling her of the awful nightmare he had. She comforted him more saying that it was just a nightmare. Suddenly, Astro came back up to get them again but saw them holding each other. He stood there silently and went back down minding his own business. Krystal then wiped Fili's tears away and told him that they should head on down and eat. Fili agreed and they both made their way down.

After they were done, they got their things and started to head to Seaside Coast. Making their way through the forest, Fili started to hear some type of noise getting closer to them. Krystal asked him what was wrong, but she and Astro started to hear it too. Then suddenly, Toby walked out of a bush as well the others seeing Fili and Krystal. All of them happy to see each other again. Astro stood there silently as they were all happy to see each other till Tom spoke out and said," Hey! Who's the new guy?" Fili explained to them that his name was Astro and that he will be joining us. Jack was pleased to have a new recruit to join and told them all that they need to keep moving. From there, they all kept moving on to make it to Seaside Coast.

At the secret facility, Sargent Mark was making his way towards Commander Tyler who was waiting for him. When Mark got to Tyler, he saluted to him and asked what he was needed for. Tyler was excited to show off the new prototype gun that his men has made and wanted Mark to be the first one to use it. Mark was astounded to be the first to use but Tyler then shouted to one of his other men to bring out a Tyrian. Mark looked at him weird and asked him why he wanted one of them. Tyler looked at him and said that he was going to use the Tyrian as a target. Mark's attitude changed and did not want to. As the two soldiers brung out the Tyrian and tied her up. They gave them the ok and stood out of the way. Tyler told him that she is all his, Mark couldn't do it. He told him not like this, that she doesn't deserve this. Tyler wasn't having it and took the gun from him and said that he will do it himself. Tyler pointed the gun towards the girl Tyrian as the she pleads him not to. As Tyler pulled the trigger, the gun wouldn't shoot. Tyler rapidly tried to shoot the gun, but it wouldn't. He gave the gun back to the gunsmith to fix and told the guards to take that Tyrian back to her cage. He turns to mark and tells him to report back to his station and walks. Mark has had enough with what Tyler is doing. He headed back to his four men and told them that they are heading back out. They're going to find some fugitives.


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