CHAPTER XIV -Confessing Feelings

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As Krystal ran through the forest looking for Fili, she stopped to catch her breath and continued looking. After a while, she started to get worried about him. Trying to think of what she had done to make him run off, she finally found him standing in an open area in the forest. Walking towards with his back turned, she asked him if he was alright and asked why he ran off. He stood there silently, not saying anything. Krystal tried asking again but was also trying to get him to look at her. After begging him, he finally turned around to her with tears flowing down his face. Krystal asking what was wrong and what happened he started shaking his head in slow no manner. He finally speaks, "Why... do I even exist? Why couldn't I have died like the rest? All I experience in my life is sorrow, and pain..." Krystal stands there silently with tears starting to develop in her eyes as Fili continues, "All throughout my life, I have been mistreated, because I am a fox! I will never be accepted back into life because of something that happened almost twenty years ago!!!" He starts panting for air as he calms down and continues, "...I'm just tired of how everyone treats me because of how I look on the outside..." tears start to go down Krystal's face as her heart starts to beat faster as Fili continues more, "I just want to find a place where I can live where no one will find me... because no one loves a fo..." He then gets cut off by Krystal leaping and placing her lips onto his. Fili didn't pull back because he was frozen from the jump he got and just stood there with his eyes wide open. After a few seconds, Krystal broke the kiss and stepped back and said, "Well... I love you." Fili was still standing there with his eyes wide open, frozen stiff from the kiss.

Fili started to speak, "Y-you... W-what...?" Krystal was looking away from Fili, covering her face because she was blushing all over from what she had done. Fili then placed his hand on her cheek, softly turning her face towards him. As his heart paced faster and faster, he asked, "You really... love me?" With her heart racing, she stares at him for a few seconds not saying anything till she spoke, "Yes." Fili, on the verge of passing out, says, "I... I love you too." they both stand there looking at each other in the eyes till they both leaned in and placed their lips together. As they both kissed each other, that felt like that lasted a long time, they broke the kiss, panting for air.

From there, they both had their arms wrapped around each other. As they swung themselves in a slow dance motion. They hung onto each other as Krystal asked him how long have you loved me. Fili stayed quiet a bit, till finally he spoke, "Well... It wasn't from the first time I saw you but... you were... different." She wondered by what he meant and asked him. He responded, "Well first off, you treated me differently than anyone has, and you seemed to care for me. Your personality, the way you get interested in stuff, and you even cared so much about me to know how I lived. Do you know how many people has treated me the way you have?" Before she could speak, he continued, "None. No one didn't care for me. I thought to myself every day that I will never feel what its like to be loved." With tears strolling down his face, landing onto Krystal's fur, She took her hand, placing it on his cheek making him look at her saying," You don't have to think of that no more." Fili started to cry from the pain and happiness he was feeling. As she hugged him closer trying to comfort him, he says, "I love you. I always have loved you." From what he said, Krystal wiped his tears away and looked at him in the eyes and said, "I've always loved you too." He gave a comforting smile and wrapped his arms back around her. Enjoying the silence around them, Fili asked her why she started to love him. Krystal pondered on what he said and spoke, "Well... to be honest, I didn't like you when you first came. I thought what they said about foxes were true but... when I saw you cry for the first time, it made me think. The more I hung around you, the more I saw the lies that were told about your kind." Fili then spoke, "That's what made you like me?" She quickly said, "What? No! I still didn't like you like that but, when you started to treat me kindly and cared for me like no other animal did, my love for you grew every time. I mean, I even asked Marie what was happening to me but then she gave me a long talk that I'm not going to explain but, I tried so hard to hide it because of the others." Fili chuckled a little and said, "Well we done a horrible job, Spencer found out and started to give me a love talk." Krystal started to giggle and say, "You know, we have some friends that support this you know?" Fili sighed and said, "Yeah but, what will other animals think? What will the Queen say about this? She will have me killed for this, will she?!" Krystal started to laugh and say, "No! the Queen won't do that, but we will have to tell her." Fili surprised and said, "You mean you really want to do this? Like be together?" Krystal, with a confused look, replies, "of course I want to. I love you." Fili then pulls something out of his pocket showing it to Krystal. To her surprise, it was a necklace with a crystal in it. Fili then says, "I bought this for you when we were back at the kingdom, when we were looking through the booths." He then takes it and puts it around her neck as she looks down at it asking," Why? I don't deserve anythi..." Fili cuts her off by saying, "Yes, you do deserve it." As she stays silent accepting the gift, she places her head on Fili's chest holding him closer to her. Fili happy with the response, hugs her closer as well and says, "All I want to do is hold you." He stays silent for a bit and says, "...I love you, Krystal." From there, they both held each other close, dancing slowly in the night, as the moon shines brightly. Fili has found out what it truly feels to be loved.

Back at where Astro is, he wonders on what happened to Fili and Krystal. As he was about to look for them, he sees them coming out of the forest. Relieved to see them, he notices Krystal having her arm wrapped around Fili's arm. Astro knowing exactly what happened, he stays silent, as he watches them head to the Inn. As Fili escorts Krystal to her room, till Krystal turns around and kisses him, and says good night to him. Fili makes his way to his room, he jumps around with happiness from what has happened. Krystal was in her room, trying to contain her excitement as well.


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