CHAPTER X - A Familiar Place

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Fili: *Laying on the ground* "Uhhh... my head..." *raises up and looks around* "hmm... where am I?"

Fili gets up and looks around more. "Where is everyone?" he questions as he continues to look around more. Fili starts to get worried till he notices someone laying on the ground from a distance. He runs over to see who it is, and it was Krystal. He wakes her up to a punch to the nose. He gets knocked backward holding onto his nose. Krystal repeatedly says sorry to him while trying to see if he is ok. After Krystal checks Fili making sure he is alright, she asks him what even happened. He sits there trying to remember but Krystal cuts him off by saying, "Uhhh, actually where is everyone, and where are we?" Not knowing either of those questions, he remembers what happened and tells her. They both get up and started looking around for the others. Not having no luck, they notice that it was getting dark and headed into a forest that was nearby.

That same day, Toby, Marie, and Spencer were walking through a field yelling for Fili and the others. "We're not having no luck!" said Spencer. Marie said, "Yeah, and it's getting dark, and scary." Toby wraps his arm around Marie and says, "You don't have to worry, I'm here for you." Spencer looks at them and says, "Well would you look at that, another couple in the camp." Marie got all excited and said, "You know about Fili and Krystal?!" Spencer chuckles a little and says, "Why I knew about it for a long time, and I have been trying to encourage Fili." Toby said, "You mean you talked to him about it?" "Why I had to, it looked like he needed the help," Spencer replied. Toby gets frustrated a little and says, "Why did you help him? You should have left him alone." Marie shocked by what Toby said and says," Toby?! Why would you say that?" "I'm not trying to sound mean but, I'm just trying to help Fili from getting himself into more trouble." He speaks. As the three go at it, we move towards Jack, Tom, and Lily.

"Where in the blue frost are we?!" Jack yells out all frustrated. Lily tries to calm him by saying, "Jack, don't get yourself all worked up. We just need to follow the path. The others might be following as well." Jack looks at her and doesn't say a word. Tom comes in and says, "Yeah, and maybe while we continue on, we will find them." Jack still doesn't say anything, but he starts to calm down. He finally says, "Maybe you two are right. I mean... I'm the one who brought them on this dangerous adventure so it's my fault if something bad happened to them." Lily tries to comfort him by saying, "You don't have to worry, they will be fine. Now come one, it's getting dark, we need to start fixing a fire."

Back at Fili and Krystal, they both were sitting by the fire fixing something to eat. As they sat there, Fili spoke and said, "This place, it all feels... familiar." Krystal looks at him confused and asks how does it. He could not figure out why, but he says that it just feels like he has been here before, that the field that they were in felt familiar. As they continued to talk, Krystal asks Fili what are they going to do tomorrow. Fili sits there and thinks a little about it and comes up with an answer, "We should probably head into a village and see where we are first because I say that whatever happened, we're not close to our destination no more." Krystal agreed to the plan and told him that maybe if we continue, they might run into the others as well. Fili liking what she said, says that for a maid, she catches on quick with plans. Krystal gasps and does a little chuckle and says, "Well for your information, I did graduate with a high degree in my class." Fili smiles and starts to get up close with her, "Oh really, and what class was that? Maid school?" Krystal gasped even louder and started to giggle a little saying, "Maybe... *starts to lean forward to Fili* but that doesn't matter." Fili laughs a little and says, "Oh it very well does count." They both stared at each other leaning in closer and closer till Fili's hand he was leaning on, slipped. He fell right on top of Krystal making her fall as well. As they both lay on the ground staring at each other, Fili gets up and apologizes. Krystal tells him it's alright that it was accidental, they both just talked with each other till they both headed to bed.


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