Breaking point

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You and Levi have been in this relationship for the past 6 months, but he never made you as mad as this morning.

You were arguing about a stupid and useless topic but that was not the problem. He raised his voice at you whereas the two of you totally banned yelling from your relation. You are both two persons that can get really intense, so you banned yelling to set healthy boundaries. But this morning he didn't respect that, even tho you know very well that's he's really stressed by work these days, you are too. And you can manage to keep your mouth anyways.

He excused himself directly after he realized it, but you just decided to go to work without adding a single word. He knew he fucked up.
All day long he send you multiple text but you ignored all of them.

5pm, your day work is over, time to go home but before you must stop in the city to shop some stuffs.

When you got home you saw Levi's car in the hallway, so you knew he was already here, good.
You took your shopping bag and went directly into your room. Exactly as you though, your boyfriend was in the shower, that left you some time to prepare your idea.

Ten minutes later, Levi got out of the bathroom with only a towel around his hips and got into the bedroom but you were not there.
A note was stick on the mirror. « Come into my office ». He raised a brow intrigued but followed the instructions anyways.

He pushed the door of your office still wearing only his towel.
You were sitting on your big chair behind your desk, an unreadable expression on your face.
« What's this about? » Levi's asks.
« Sit down we need to talk » you say coldly, putting your elbows on the desk and your head over your hands.
Levi was so confused by all of this.
« Listen brat, I'm really sorry for this morning, I shouldn't raise my voice at you, I'm just so exhausted since last week and I know you are too and that's just a « me problem » but I promise you it will never happen again. » You listen to him carefully not answering once he's done.

« So... we're good ? » asks your boyfriend more and more confused.
« Almost, we going to play a little game baby » you say, totally switching attitude.
« W-what ? » he asks
« The game is simple. You do what I tell, and you get a reward or you disobey and you get a punishment. »

Levi has never been that take aback. Where this new side of you is coming from? You never showed many sign of dominance during sex before and all of sudden you were talking about punishing him ?

« Where did all you confidence went darling ? Do you want me to repeat the rules again maybe? » you were enjoying yourself, this shocked look he got on, it was purely exciting.
Levi's shocked face quickly turn into a smirk « oh is that so ? » he asks, voice challenging. « Is that my way to forgiveness? »
«It is; any problem with that ? » you smile innocently. You see him checking you out shamelessly.
« Actually no» he says with a sharp look.
« Good » you took a little bag from under your desk. « Come here ». He did as you told, and you turn your chair to face him.
« I buy you a little gift. » you say taking the collar from the bag. « On your knees baby » he smirked, secretly caught off guard by all of this, but did what you said, eyes never leaving yours.

« You've been really bad this morning honey » you say passing the collard around his neck « and instead of arguing why not giving you a little lesson », you clicked the last button on it.
« I'm looking forward to it » Levi answers with a unimpressed grin. You knew that breaking Levi into submission will not have been an easy task, but you were confident.

You stood from you chair and took him by his chin to make him stand too but you stopped to admire the view. Levi on his knees, his back straight, hands resting on his laps, wearing his little necklace. You can't resist but kissed him.

Breaking pointWhere stories live. Discover now