Under the paperwork

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Bonjour ! Long time, no see ! I made you wait, I know, I know but here two chapters to make up for the wait
I have not a single idea on where this is going ahaha so we'll see
If you have some requests or some ideas you would like to read with this fic or another tell me, I'll be glad to see what I can do
Hope you all doing okay, and hope you enjoy it, bisous bisous  💐💐



You've been assigned to the biggest client the company ever had, and didn't stop working all week even today, on Saturday, at home and you were beyond exhausted.
Your desk was full of piles of paper, and you vaguely recall Levi leaving to see Hange at the pub when you heard knocks on your office door. You looked at your watch confused before seeing that it was already past eleven.
The door cracked open, and your eyes landed on Levi and Erwin, and their flush cheeks.

"Well, well" you arched a playful brow, relaxing in your chair.
"You still working" Levi pouts. He pouts? Is he drunk? "I am" you answer suspicious before turning your gaze to Erwin. "Hi Erwin, always a pleasant surprise" you smile.
"Hi" he smiles back a bit shy.

Levi came closer and you could smell the alcohol before tasting it on his lips.
"You're drunk" you say grabbing his jaw.
"Perhaps, but in all fairness, that's my fault" Erwin interacts, and you could hear the alcohol on his tone.
"Is that so?" you return your gaze to your boyfriend.
"Yes" he whispers, eyes lock on your lips. You smirk at his state.
"I still have a little thing to do, why don't you go sit down with Erwin while I finish" you propose.

"Or maybe," starts Erwin coming behind Levi. He placed a hand on your boyfriend's shoulder, pushing him down; they both kneeled before you, each of their mouth coming to kiss your inner thighs. You were only wearing a long t-shirt and panties – at least working from home has its advantages. "Maybe you could come sit with us" the blond whispers against your skin.

The sudden view and contact made goosebump travel your body. Did they plan this?
Your hands came into their hair before pulling a bit on it, so like that they were looking at you.
"Ok boys, you're both clearly out of your minds right now" you laugh a bit.
"We just want to play mistress" Levi says with pleading eyes.
" We ?" you ask looking at Erwin.
" Yes mistress..." well that's a surprise, you thought.
As fervent as the temptation could be, you didn't work this much all week long to procrastinating at the verry end. Plus, they were drunk.

Levi POV

I was supposed to see Hange, but Erwin came along, and Hange ended up leaving earlier so it was just the two of us at the pub.
We see each other at work every day but it was the first time that we spent time alone since the...accident. And surprisingly everything was still easy. Well, it was, until that moment.

The light was dimed, and the jazz group were playing on the scene.
"I'm fucked" I admitted. "I should go home." But before I had time to fully stand up from my seat, Erwin's big hand came on my thigh under the table, pushing me down. I let a little gasp out at the action. "Can I come with you?" he whispers to my ear "please..." his fingers digging slowly into my skin; "I've been craving to be with you and y/n so bad lately." Oh, fuck; I was so grateful for the lack of light because the fire that was travelling my body was surely showing on my face.

Erwin took my hand and place it on his bulge. "Can you feel?" he breaths out when my hand closed around his clothed dick. fuck fuck fuck. I can already feel my desire growing, he's already so hard under my fingers. "Every damn time each of you cross my mind, I can't help it~ ahh fuck" he moans quietly when I stroked him. "I'll be good...fuck...I'll be so good" he pleads drunkenly; my own dick fighting against my pants.

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