Owning what's yours

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It has been a week now since your little skid with Erwin. You have thought about it all day at work, and you have found yourself on a bad mood. You don't really get why because you have actually enjoyed it.
All day this grumpy mood didn't leave you.

When you come home, Levi is already there as usual. He's vacuuming and doesn't hear you coming. You try to surprise him by jumping on his back, but he quickly turns around and catch you.

« Nice try » he mocks. You roll your eyes and let yourself fall on the couch with a sight.

« Oh oh, what's wrong? »
« Nothing » you answer quietly.
« Yeah like I'm buying that »
« Arrrrrgh leave me alone » you complain burring your face on a pillow.

« Ok there's definitely something wrong » he sits down next to you. Your face doesn't leave the pillow before answering « just a crappy mood »
« No other reason? » 

You finally stand up and look at him. « You love me, right? » He gives you a confused expression.

« Of course, did you do something bad? » a little smile draw on your lips.

« No, of course not, it's just that...how to say it ? I've been thinking about what happened with Erwin all day and I don't know... I just get mad » You 're serious, yet you see him trying to repress a smile and that alone bother you more. « Why are you smiling for? » you complain with a wince.

« Nothing...just not used to see jealousy on you » he smirks.

« Jealousy?! No, I'm not jealous what the heck. » Your reaction didn't convince him at all.

He leans toward you with a seductive face, gripping your collard gently. « Look like my mistress doesn't like to share after all » he whispers.

« Don't play with my nerves Levi, I'm not jealous. » His playful expression didn't flatter. « Oh yes you are, and it's delightful » his lips come to put a gently kiss on your neck.

"Don't push your luck Levi, I'm not in the mood to be gentle with you right now"

He puts another kiss on your collarbone. "Great, I never wanted you to be gentle to me"

You hum at his teeth sinking in your shoulder skin. "Plus, I bought something that you going to love" you arch a brow at this.

"You did?"

"I did" he answers quietly, placing kisses on your chest as he is unbuttoning your shirt.


" Please" he inhales your scent before licking the skin on your breast.

"Levi..." you hiss, "are you sure? last chance of getting away"

"I've never be surer of anything in my life."
You grab his chin and look deep in his blue eyes.

"Alright then, let's see what you got to surprise me" you smile.

"Stay here, I'll come back"

"Alright." He climbs the stairs, and you wait, curiosity getting the best of you.

"Close your eyes" you hear him shout from upstairs, so you did.
You hear him getting closer. "It's kind of embarrassing so promise me that you won't laugh...I just tough that you would like it" you smirk with your eyes close, so impatient to see it. "I promise"

"Okay you can open your eyes then" and when you did...you felt your brain stop working. You stay there, mouth agape, totally froze.

"...well? say something"

"I..." he's wearing a black one-piece. A collard connected to nipple covers, the latter also connected to the thong that molded his private parts.

(author note : here a pic because how the hell Im supposed to describe that)

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