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Hi, long time no see ! It was vacation time so I didn't write a lot but here I am back in the game 😎
I put some twitter link at the end for...visualisation purposes 🤭
As always, hope you like it, bisous bisous 💐


When you woke up this morning, you and Levi are still tightly hugging each other.

You painfully open your eyes and realize how exhausted you still are thanks to the alcohol. You put a gentle kiss on Levi forehead, and he buries his face in your chest with a low growl to tell you to let him sleep. Lord, he's so cute when he's asleep.

After a couple of minutes of gentle cuddling, you finally part from his asleep body and head downstairs. When you arrived in the kitchen, your eyes fall on a muscular and tall back before your hobs, boxer and apron as cloth.

"Rough wake-up? » the man asks without looking at you.

« Kind of » you answer sitting on one of the tall chairs of the bar only wearing a white shirt and your black tanga. « Hange and Mike are still asleep? » you ask. « No, only me. Nanaba passed by to take them back to the city. » he explains. He then turns around and give you a plate with a fruit salad and some pancakes. « Bon appétit » he says with a lovely smile.

« Levi's not joining us? » Erwin asks between two sips of coffee.

« Of course, he is. » you hear from the stairs and that makes you smile. Levi is wearing his grey sweatpants and his morning face. You pat the sit next to you and he follows. « Lovely » he says with a snort when he sees the breakfast. "Isn't it?" You add with a smirk. Erwin takes a seat in front of the both of you.

« Tea" he says, handing Levi a cup of tea "no sugar, as you like" he adds with a gentle smile.

You eat without talking for a little when « So about last - » starts Erwin. « Oh, fuck off » cuts Levi and you try to repress a laugh. It's useless to talk with him when he hadn't finished his morning tea yet.

« Well, I'll do the talking for now" you answer with a smile. Erwin nods and take a deep breath. "I..." yeah that's not supposed to be an easy discussion you think to yourself. "I really appreciate last night..." he's looking into his coffee mug to avoid your gaze.

You take a moment to study his face before answering. "I guess I can talk for both Levi and I when I say we really appreciated it too" you answer carefully. "Yeah whatever" Levi answers, putting his cup down. Of course, you didn't expect for Levi to just assume it openly you think amused. A little silent install itself.

« I don't want it to be the last time" Erwin declares, but this time he looks at you two intensely.

"The fuck?" Levi spats and before you can say something Erwin cuts you, looking only at your boyfriend now.

"Levi looks at me" he says gently and surprisingly Levi does immediately. "Can we stop pretending after all these years?"

"What are you even talking about" your lover says looking away.

"You and I we're friends, there is no doubt on that, but you know that there something more and we both know it's not love. My lust for you never disappears since college and I know you're in the same position; I saw it in your eyes so many times when we were roommates."

"Oh, my fucking god Levi are you blushing?" you exclaim trying not to burst into laughter.

"Alright fuck the both of you" he says leaving the bar when Erwin's hand grabs his arm. "Please stay" the blond pleads. Fuck that's hot. The more you watch the convo the more your brain making so many dirty scenarios.

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