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Hi ! First of all thanks for reading !
I want to say that I'm actually not a native English speaker, I'm French ahah so I guess some time there is some sentence that will sound good to me but maybe not to a native speaker and I'm sorry !
This one is a bit longer so I would not write another chapter right away expect if I got inspiration ofc. Feed backs are so much appreciated. I want to put some picture at the end for visualization because I confess that I may or may not inspired myself from a sweet memories I got ahah
Bisous bisous 💐
- ErosandWine

Today is officially the first day of spring and like every year our city is organizing a festival.

It was late afternoon, and you were getting out of the shower.

«What time are they planning the fireworks? » asks Levi drying his hair with the towel.

You spat in the sink after brushing your teeth. « Mh, if it's like last year, at ten I guess. »

« So, that's mean we got plenty of time. » His gaze crossed yours on the mirror.

«What do you mean mister Ackerman, I thought you wanted to take your time tonight? »

He smirked and buried his face on the crock of your neck. « I want to try something... » he whispers, his gaze softening « please... »

« Mh, you got my attention now. »

He let his head fall on your shoulder with an exhale and that made your curiosity up. « I... » he exhales again. So, you turned around and gently cupped his face. « It's okay, it's just me » you smile. But now that you faced him, his face turned crimson and he hide it on your neck again.

« I want you..." he paused. "I want me... » his voice not louder than a murmur. You froze at this as you felt a wave of desire rushing thru your veins as soon as your brain registered what your boyfriend said. You didn't expect that at all.
"Please, say something" he whispers again. "I-"

But before he could finish his sentence, your lips crashed on his while you pushed him against the wall. Your tongue invaded his mouth before you bit on his lower lips, making him groan.
Your hands were wandering everywhere they could, feeling his skin under your hot fingertips. You were eagerly devouring him and stealing his breath when he pushed you a bit a string of saliva connecting your mouths.

"Wait wait" he pants a little "is that a yes ?"
"Hell yeah" you urge before kissing him again.
You were kissing him with such an urge, as if he would disappear if you don't; as if the feeling of his soft lips would vanish away, leaving you cold and alone on earth.

"Fuck" he mutters in the kiss. "If I knew it would have make you this turn on before-" but your mouth on his nipples stop him mid-sentence. One hand travel to his throat while the other go for the towel around his hips and let it felt on the wet floor. He was so hard – and how could he not when you were so thirsty for him.

A high pitch moan left his mouth when teeth dangerously tease his nipple. You wanted more, so much more. You wanted him as if you never put a single finger on him before, as if you were restrained to do so for an eternity.

When you finally go back to his lips, you gently guide him in front of the glass. You caged him from behind, an arm each side of his body. You gently kissed his neck – your eyes never leaving his in the reflection – taking on the view of his skin shivering before sinking your teeth in the junction of his neck and shoulder.

You kept going with your soft kisses the long of his back until you lightly pressed on the low of his back to make him bend over. You stood up to fully take on the view. "Open your legs wider for me baby."

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