Chapter 11

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Izuku woke up to an empty bed... that wasn't his.

'Oh yeah I forgot I stayed over' he thought to himself, stretching and getting out of the bed.

He walked down the stairs sleepily, he rubbed his eyes as he smelled the rancid scent of freshly made pancakes.

They looked so good but Izuku knew better. He just sat down at the breakfast table where Tokoyami was eating breakfast and his mom was sipping on coffee.

"Hi hun you slept late, you want some pancakes?" Tokoyami's mom asked, "My husband is making another batch right now"

"No thanks, I..."

"Honey you know how his quirk is, he can't eat this! It ain't good for him" Tokoyami's dad said from the kitchen

"You- he knows- you know- how do- uhhhh- my quirk- you know about it?" Izuku was baffled. "And you still let me be around your son?"

"Yeah? It's not your fault you have that as a drawback, and from what I hear you only eat already dead people and, while that ain't my cup of tea, you gotta do it to live and you aren't hurting anyone. Why should I care?" Tokoyami's dad said, not bothering to look up from the pan.

"B-but last night! You didn't even mention it!" Izuku spluttered in utter shock

"Izuku... just shut up and be happy. He likes you" said Tokoyami chuckling pulling Izuku's smaller frame onto his lap, resting his head on top of Izuku's.

Izuku leaned back into the bird boy nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck snuggling up to get cozy.

"So you two get up to anything exciting last night?" Tokoyami's mom asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah! We played Heroes Close Combat!" Izuku said completely oblivious to the teasing Tokoyami's mom was trying to do.

Tokoyami on the other hand went from raven colored to that of a cardinal. "MOOOOOM WHAT THE HELL!"

"Yeah yeah yeah I'll stop" Tokoyami's mom chuckled, "You two better hurry up if you're gonna make it to UA on time, Izuku I washed your uniform so you should be fine wearing it again today"

"Thanks a ton Uhhh-"

"Just call me Uri" Tokoyami's mom said patting Izuku's head and ruffling his hair "but seriously you two gotta hurry"

The two boys got up from the table and grabbed their shit. Tokoyami changed in his room and Izuku waited for him by the door after throwing on the uniform jacket.

<Timeskip brought to you by a cat. Just a very normal cat>

Aizawa walked into the classroom with a very upset face.

"Mineta has brought to my attention what some of you did to Midoriya before I arrived yesterday morning" most of the class turned and glared at Mineta who was not intimidated in the slightest. "Now I don't know where you rats get off being quirkist but if it happens again you will be expelled and barred indefinitely from obtaining any sort of Hero License"

And with that class began.

Very short chapter since I've got a ton to do between homework, TA work, and Labor work. I'll be updating more stories eventually but the process is very slow going so I guess... uh sorry

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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