Chapter 2

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"Ms Midoriya there is a small problem with Izukus quirk." Said the Quirk Expert. Inko's face showed a confused expression. The doctor began to continue "his quirk is completely different from the quirks in both sides of your family." Inko was completely confused. She looked at Izuku playing Patty Cake with Hisashi outside. "Well what is his quirk?" "That's the thing... it's not a quirk more like instead of a quirk gland he has a completely different object. A predatory organ branching off of the stomach formed with DNA of a long extinct threat to humanity from back in 201X... Ghouls." Inko was shocked. She had heard the stories of those creatures that fed on people. The only reason they went extinct is because a certain Ghoul and His wife made a deal with an old Organization called the CCG and helped them exterminate the rest of the ghouls in exchange for their child and their own safety. After they were done they were betrayed and killed and their child disappeared. Inko knew all of the tales. Her great grandmother was Akira Mado and her great grandfather Amon Kotaro. Both were legends from the CCG. This is why it was so shocking to her. "Don't t-tell me..." "yes he is a half Ghoul... and to survive he must consume Human Flesh."

<timeskip brought to you by Jason and Muscular staring at each other (congrats to anyone who understands why)>

"KACCHAN I GOT MY QUIRK" Izuku yelled "REALLY!?" Yelled Katsuki back. "WHAT IS IT" "it's called 'ghoul' and it lets me do this." All of a sudden 4 long tendrils came out of his back along with two wing shaped things. "Woah... that is so FUCKING AWESOME!" Shouted Katsuki. Izuku was about to thank him when all of a sudden he was pinned down to the sidewalk. "Ow." Said Izuku beginning to cry as the hard ground dug into him. "Stop resisting villain. I saw you about to attack that poor boy." Said a voice that Izuku recognized as Endeavor "now I'm going to have to put an end to you." It was just as Endeavor began to burn Izukus back the he was kicked off by a man who then sucked up all the flame. "DAD!" Shouted Izuku in tears "what happened Izuku? Why was Endeavor holding you down and calling you villain?" "Ms Midoriya it was because Izuku showed me his quirk and endeavor thought it was a villain quirk and he tried to 'save me' from him by killing him" Hisashi was livid. "Alright well I'm going to take you two home" he said. Izuku handed Katsuki the files for his quirk so he could understand it better. "See you tomorrow at school" said Katsuki as he went inside his house. "Bye Kacchan" responded Izuku. When Hisashi and Izuku got home they saw Inko packing her bags. "Hisashi" she said "you have two options. You abandon that fucking monster child or I leave and send heroes after him."

I really hope you guys enjoy this I have wanted to write this for so long because I fucking love both BNHA and Tokyo Ghoul with all my heart. HAVE A GREAT DAY.

(Ps suggestion are welcome but please comment them under the authors note at the end. Same goes with my pride and joy, Two Peas in a Pod. Go read that if you haven't I am so proud of it)

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