Chapter 7

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"Rosalie, I need your help" Was the first thing she heard when she answered her phone, making her roll her eyes

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"Rosalie, I need your help" Was the first thing she heard when she answered her phone, making her roll her eyes.

"What is it you need my help with Elijah," She asks watching Stefan and Kayan run around the house.

"Hayley is trapped in the plantation house that is currently on fire, the witches are doing it" He informs her making her hang up and turn to Stefan who nods to let her know she can go.

Rosalie teleported inside the house and used her magic to stop it making Hayley and Jackson look at her.

Rosalie teleported inside the house and used her magic to stop it making Hayley and Jackson look at her

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"Well looks like we meet again" She sass looking at Hayley bored,

Rosalie left Hayley to say goodbye to her family and went to look for Elijah, "Mmhmm, well this is a weird place to take a nap Lijah" She says announcing her presence to her brother who trying to compose himself.

"I'm not in the mood for your sarcasm right now Ro" He huffs speeding away leaving Rosalie standing there.

"My siblings are just ungrateful sons of bitches" She scoffs heading towards the abattoir.

"You don't belong here," A witch says stepping in front of Rosalie making her sigh and roll her eyes.

"Darling, my sibling built this city once upon a time my son run this city before my paranoid and power-hungry brother took over, so if anything you don't belong here," She says dangerously calm stepping in front of the witch, glowing her eye.

"You're a Mikaelson" The stuttered out of fear making Rosalie chuckle at her.

"Please love I'm THE Mikaelson. Tell darling Celeste that Rosalie Mikaelson has returned and she wants her siblings back" Rosalie says walking away with a smirk knowing hell was about to break loose.

"They also have Rebekah. Every one of you will help me to find them. I'm gonna kill them all." is what Rosalie heard when she enter the abattoir.

"Always dramatic Lijah" Rosalie sigh making everyone turn to her, Marcel was surprised and the vampires were ready to pounce.

"What took you so long Rose?" Elijah question knowing that his sister could have reached there easily,

"Decided to walk, then a witch appears in front of me telling me how I don't belong so I threaten Celeste through her," Rosalie says casually while looking at Marcel who hadn't said a word.

"Hello, Marcellus it's been a while," She says standing in front of him.

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