Chapter 11

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"So Katherine gave Elena the ripper virus before you guys kill her?" Rosalie questions as she talks to Stefan on the phone while walking with Hunter who was holding a babbling Kayan

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"So Katherine gave Elena the ripper virus before you guys kill her?" Rosalie questions as she talks to Stefan on the phone while walking with Hunter who was holding a babbling Kayan.

"Yeah, it's why I had you pick up Kay so he would be safe with you" Stefan sighs already tired of everything happening.

"Boy, do you people get any rest?" Hunter asks knowing Stefan could hear him,

"Who's that?" Stefan's questions confuse by the new voice.

"That would be Hunter King the daft bimbo in my life, also Tom's little brother" Rosalie answers making Hunter's face scrunch up.

"I'm not a daft bimbo!" He exclaims as they enter his and Owen's apartment.

"You so are" Rosalie retort as he puts a now sleeping Kayan on his bed,

"Am not" He whispers yells forgetting about Stefan still on the phone and his brother who was in the kitchen watching them.

"Are too" Rosalie smirks making him narrow his eyes at her.

"Am not"

"Am too"

"Am not"

"Am not" Rosalie says knowing what was about to happen,

"Am too" His eyes widen with realization as Rose snickers at him.

"You two still haven't changed," Owen says making them turn towards him.

"Nope!" They say at the same time before glaring at each other.

"Hello, Ro I'm still here" Stefan announces making them stop and Rose to answer him.

"Oh... yeah totally forgot about you," She says smiling even though he can't see her as the boys laugh at her.

"Who's that?" Owen asks making her roll her eyes.

"Stefan Salvatore, Rose new bea" Hunter replied before she could, making his brother raise a brow at her.

"Anyway Stef go deal with your brother and the doppelbitch I'll talk to you later," She says hanging up.

"So new bea huh," Owen asks while eating popcorn,

"Where the fuck did that come from?!" She asks very confusedly about the popcorn's sudden appearance.


Rosalie had spent her day catching up with Owen and Hunter and letting them get to know their nephew

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Rosalie had spent her day catching up with Owen and Hunter and letting them get to know their nephew. Now she was attending her brother's party with Hunter as Owen wanted to watch Kayan.

"So wolfs, witches, vampires, humans, a heretic and an elemental all attending a party. Why does that sound like the beginning of a bad joke" Hunter mumbles as the walk to the bar making Rose laugh.

"Because it is. Bet you a hundred bucks that someone's going to start a fight tonight" Rosalie smirks as Hunter shakes his head.

"No. that's an easy win for you," He says before telling the bartender their order.

"You're no fun," Rosalie says turning to observe everyone, and spotting Monique and Davina.

"Hey, I'll be back in a sec," She says walking over towards Monique as Hunter just shrug,

"Well, well, well aren't you the mean bitch tonight," Rosalie says making Monique and Oliver turns towards her.

"And you are?" Oliver asks flirtatiously

"So not into you wolfie, plus also taken. But let me introduce myself, Rosalie Mikaelson" She smirks when she saw the fear appear in their eyes.

"Mikaelson, how come no one has seen you before?" He asks making her smirk widening.

"Because that's just how I like it but witchy over there knows all about me don't you?" They both turn towards Monique making her nervous.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She replies trying to act clueless

"Oh, darling" Rose chuckled and leaned to whisper in her ears "Tell my mother I say hello" and then she leaves returning to Hunter who was flirting with someone.

Rosalie spent the rest of the party avoiding her siblings and the pregnant werewolf she even paid zero attention to the speech Hayley gave.

(∪.∪ )...zzz

After returning home Hunter and Rose spent the rest of their night watching movies with Owen and Kayan, deciding to ignore whatever else was happening in the outside world.

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