Chapter 19

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Klaus begins to speak in voiceover as he drives to the safe house with Cami

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Klaus begins to speak in voiceover as he drives to the safe house with Cami. As he speaks about each of his family members in turn, the camera cuts to them. First is Elijah, who becomes overwhelmed by flashbacks of attacking Tatia, his red door, and the restaurant staff he killed. Second is Rosalie who is putting Kayan in his car seat as Hunter packs their stuff in the trunk, third is Kol, in a flashback to The Map of Moments, when he kissed Davina in front of the Dowager Fauline's mansion. Fourth is Finn, who dresses his wounds from when Elijah attacked him and nods to Mikael, who is at the lycée with him. Fifth is Rebekah, whose original body is still in her coffin at the compound. Finally, when Klaus brings up himself, it cuts to Esther, who is still locked in the crypt in Lafayette Cemetery after Klaus and Rebekah turned her into a vampire. She looks weak and sick and is desperately trying to resist the blood bag on the ground in front of her.

"It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters, yet still, she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah is tormented by long-buried, shameful secrets. Kol, the Wiley troublemaker, is out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily walked by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Rebekah is willing to risk everything on the chance that she may one day find happiness. Rosalie the daughter, never loved all because she's stronger. And me, the bastard child. My mother's greatest shame. Now, finally, we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us, to live on as one of the monsters she created..." Klaus and Cami arrive at the safe house same time Rose did, where Klaus finishes up his story as they depart from their vehicle,

".. or suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves," Klaus says watching as his sister leaves her car,

"Um, congratulations, I guess, but right now, I'm a little more worried about Finn, considering I totally stabbed him in the back," Cami says confuse about everything, 

"He won't find you here. This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on! There's someone I want you to meet" The two walk together toward the house, "I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. The little troublemaker all the fuss has been about." The door opens, and Hayley comes out on the porch with Hope in her arms "Camille, this is Hope." Cami is absolutely stunned and looks at Klaus and Hayley in confusion.

"Oh, my God. What? You said... I thought she was..." Cami says and Rosalie joins them with a sleeping Kayan in her arms,

"The only way to truly protect her was to convince the world of her death." Hayley smiles kindly, but Klaus looks awkward as he turns to "Cami I hope you understand, that once it is safe for you to leave here, this secret cannot leave with you." Cami, clearly happy at this revelation, nods in understanding and smiles at her with tears in her eyes before she walks past him to see Hope for herself. Hope grabs her finger and coos at her, and both Cami and Hayley giggle 

"Oh, she's perfect!" Cami exclaims and turns to Rose "And who's this little guy?" She asks rubbing his cheeks,

"That would be Kayan, Rose's son and the other little guy is Hunter King his uncle," Klaus says smirking knowing how Hunter hates when he calls him little guy,

"Must you always make fun of my height?" Hunter asks as Rosalie enters the house,

"I must" Klause responds following his sister.

...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Hope and Kayan. Which, to start means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn." Klaus says as they all sit discussing the plan,

"Oh, once he figures out what you've done to your mother, he's gonna go off the deep end." Cami sighs  

"That's exactly why we need to keep you out of harm's way. Hayley and I will return home and take care of my wayward brother. Elijah, Rose, and Hunter will remain here with you." He looks over at Elijah, who looks displeased as he peers out the window, and then at Rose who was rubbing her bump not paying attention to anyone "He's been experiencing some side effects since his ordeal as our mother's captive." He smirks "Best he stays here and convalesces."

"A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside café, and one never hears the end of it," Elijah says annoyed,

"Which is unlike you" Rosalie but in making him glare at her playfully and she raised her hand in surrender, 

Klaus laughs and says "Oh, Cami has a way with minds plagued by demons, brother. You two can bond!" Cami looks over at Elijah awkwardly, while Elijah simply looks uncomfortable "Well, if you excuse me, I best be on my way! Rebekah should have already woken up in the body of Angelica Barker. Once she has cut the ties of Miss Barker's former life, she'll make her way directly here." He smiles "You should expect her shortly." He kisses Rosalie's head and leaves for New Orleans, leaving Elijah, Rosalie, Hunter, and Cami alone in the safe house with Hope and Kayan.


Elijah is leaving Rebekah one of what appears to be many voicemails in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, "Rebekah, it's me again. Please call." He hangs up the phone, looking worried. Rosalie is making Hunter massage her foot and Cami is looking through the cabinets in the kitchen when she finds a bottle of bourbon and takes it off the shelf 

"Yahtzee! Ah-ha-ha! If there's one thing I've learned about you people, it's that there's always a bottle of booze around." Cami looks in another cabinet for glasses and looks back at Elijah "Do you want one?" She asks him

"Yeah I'll take one" Hunter answers  

"Sounds delightful. And after that, Camille, then what? We have another, and another, perhaps another after that, another after that... Before long, I find myself opening up to you, or..." Elijah makes air quotes with his fingers ".. 'bearing my damaged soul,' as it were" Cami, who has three tumblers and the bottle of bourbon, sits down on the couch in the living room and rolls her eyes "It's an old trick, Camille. Not a particularly clever one."  

"Your mother really did a number on you boys, didn't she? Has it ever occurred to you that I'm less interested in fixing your problems and more interested in forgetting my own? I mean, I'm basically in a supernatural witness protection program because your psychotic brother, who, by the way, I practically had to seduce, wants me dead. So, yeah." Cami sass making Rose laugh as Hunter took a seat and Elijah sits down across from her in an armchair and watches as she pulls out Trivial Pursuit and sets it on the coffee table "Booze and board games is pretty much where I'm at right now." Elijah rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed, as Cami pulls out one of the game cards and reads it aloud "Here's a question: 'What was the name of Don Quixote's horse?'" 

"This is absurd." "That's easy" Elijah and Hunter mutter at the same time 

Cami sighs and sets down the trivia card "Fine. Dumb idea. How's Hayley? You two seemed close." She casually sips her drink, and Elijah, realizing he only has two options, sighs in defeat as Rose was cracking up and Hunter was watching the two with amusement on his face 

"Rocinante. The horse's name is Rocinante." Elijah answer and he grabs the bottle of bourbon and pours himself a glass, and Cami smiles.

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After the events with Elijah Rose decided to sleep and Hunter stayed with the other two to make sure Cami survives the day.

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