Chapter 9

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Rosalie decided to leave New Orleans after helping Hayley kidnap Celeste, which is why she is now sitting in the library with Kayan on her lap while watching Elena(Katherine) and Stefan study

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Rosalie decided to leave New Orleans after helping Hayley kidnap Celeste, which is why she is now sitting in the library with Kayan on her lap while watching Elena(Katherine) and Stefan study.

"Roman Empire," Stefan asks 'Elena'

"76 A.D. sacked by the Goths" She answers as Rosalie observes her.

"Han Dynasty" Stefan questions

"220 A.D" 'Elena answers

"Holy Roman Empire"

"Not really an empire, but 1648" 'Elena' says making Rosalie snicker.

"There goes your perfect score," Stefan says smiling at Rosalie who smiles back at him while playing with Kayan

"What? No. That was right" 'Elena' says slightly glaring at Rosalie who pays her no attention.

"No, no, no. The book says 1806" Stefan explains to her as Rosalie gets up.

"Heh. Ok. Well, 1806 may technically be right, but it was the Peace of Westphalia that truly ended the empire. Trust me. I may have done a paper on the Holy Roman Empire in high school" 'Elena' says as Rosalie left the room heading to put Kayan to sleep.


"Well, I can come with you" This is the first thing Rosalie heard when she joins everyone.

"Elena, hey! I didn't know that you were here" Caroline says noticing the doppelganger

"Well, Stefan has been helping me study" 'Elena' informs her as Stefan pulls Rosalie in front of him and she buries her face in his chest.

"Oh. Stefan who doesn't go to college" Caroline enquires suspiciously of her.

"Stefan who's an expert in history" 'Elena' retorts trying not to roll her eyes at the couple.

Caroline's phone rings before she could say anything else, "Uh-huh. Um... It's Tyler. I haven't really spoken to him since, the, um, incident" She stuttered after seeing who was calling.

"The incident? You mean the time where he almost killed you?" Stefan and Rosalie chimed making the other two look at them weird.

"Hey" She answers making Rosalie scoff and snuggle into Stefan more ignoring the call.

"No. I know, but I think that we can figure this out together. I'll see you soon" Rosalie tuned back in when she hears Caroline hang up.

"Maybe I should come with you" 'Elena offers much to her dismay,

"No. No. You deal with Damon. We can handle this. Besides, it's time that we move into the next phase of our post-breakup, pre-friendship relationship timeline" Caroline tells her making her relief.

"Ok. I'm gonna stay out of that one. I'm gonna get some clothes, and you'll pick me up at my dorm?" 'Elena turns towards Stefan.

"Sure" Stefan nods and she leaves. "The bad news is Tyler hates you, but the good news is...hmm" Stefan taunts Caroline making Rose chuckle into his chest.

"It'll be fine. We both have weird ex...friend situations" Caroline says trying to convince either him or herself,

"We? There's nothing weird going on between Elena and me" Stefan states making both the girls scoff.

"Come on, Stefan! First, she tells you that she's gonna fight to get Damon back, and then she rebreaks up with him, and now she's here with you, her ex, studying?" Caroline exclaims making Rosalie point at her.

"She's here with her friend studying without the implied quotes, also Ro is here" Stefan argued back making Rose roll her eyes

"Look. I'm just saying that Elena and Damon's breakup is messy, and you are not messy. You're stable and sane and..." Caroline trails off.

"And I'm about to spend 12 hours in a car with her alone, so whatever she's feeling I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out. Plus I'm not going to do anything with her when I have Rose right here" He says kissing the redhead lips making her smile,

( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)

Rosalie is sitting with Caroline and an energetic Kayan waiting for Stefan to finish with Damon. " "Hey. when'd you get here?" Stefan asks when he spots the Forbes vampire.

"Eh, about 1 ½ of these ago. You were right. I brought this on myself. I knew the Klaus thing was gonna come with consequences. Guess now I just have to deal with it and learn from my mistakes" Caroline shrugs making Rosalie smirk at her.

"Glad I could help. So did you find Matt?" Stefan asks picking up Kayan from Rose's lap.

"Yes, and Tyler was right. Nadia's been compelling him to forget things" Caroline says smiling at the interaction between Stefan and the toddler.

"What do you mean? What kind of things?" Rosalie questions curiously tilting her head to the side.

"Who knows? He tried to message me, but Nadia stopped him. "Help. K" was all I got," Caroline tells them making them frown in confusion.

"Huh," Stefan says confuse as Kayan babble happily in his arms,

"So you and Elena? What's the verdict?" Caroline's questions change the topic making Rosalie also curious.

"Um, well, the verdict is she's acting strange. She tried to kiss me" He tells them making their eyes widen with surprise.

"Excuse me?!" They both shrieked making Kayan and Stefan jump,

"Yeah. My car broke down, so we got a hotel room so she could shower..." He stops explaining seeing Rosalie glare.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys got a hotel room with a shower?" Caroline questions

"Yeah, but it wasn't like that. I mean, I stopped it obviously. I couldn't do it to Damon and you Ro" Stefan explains sitting next to her and taking her hands as he puts Kayan on his lap.

"Yeah, but she could? I just... I don't get it. She knows that this would destroy him and Rose could murder her. What is she doing?" Caroline quiz trying to understand the latter behavior,

"That's what I mean. It's like she's given up on Damon, and he thinks that she was trying to get me to kill him tonight" Stefan tells them making Rosalie's eyes lit up after realizing what's happening.

"But she would never want him dead" Caroline suggested making Rosalie chuckle,

"Unless... Matt texted you, "help. K," before Nadia stopped him. "K," as in Katherine, and when Katherine was dying, Nadia figured out a way to put Katherine's spirit inside Nadia's body" Stefan quips making Rosalie smirk knowing they were about to figure out what she did.

"Yeah, but that didn't happen because Katherine had a change of heart. No. No. You don't think that... it's impossible that she'd be... we would have noticed. It's Elena. We know her... Oh, my God" Caroline's eyes widen with realization as Rosalie claps.

"Bingo the bitch isn't dead as yet. Not when I kill her" Rosalie says leaving the room.


After putting Kayan to bed Stefan found Rosalie in his room staring at the wall angrily. "Stare harder you might destroy it," He says standing in front of her.

"I just might" She grumbles as he grabs her hands and pulls her to stand with him.

"Come on Ro we'll get rid of Katherine and you might get to murder her," Stefan tells her wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close.

"Fine" she sighs and connects their lips. One thing lead to another and they were in bed naked.

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