Chapter 27

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Rosalie woke up to the sound of Stefan talking to someone softly "Stefan" She groaned trying to wake herself fully

"Hey," He walks to her as soon as he hears her call his name,

"The baby, are they ok?" She asks worried for her child's life,

"Babies" He corrects her making her eyes widen and a bright smile appear on her face

"Twins?" She was surprised how they didn't notice this,

"Yeah, Their heartbeat is in sync that's why we didn't notice there was another one in there" He informs her heading to the bed the twins were in and pushing it closer to her bed so she could meet their kids,

"Oh!" She exclaims sitting up properly to look at them better "Their beautiful" She whispers watching them with nothing but love in her eyes

"Yeah they're perfect" Stefan smiles picking up their son and handing him over to her "This is our oldest Mister Henrik Owen Mikaelson -Salvatore" He introduced using the name they picked out for if they got a boy,

"He has  your eyes" She whispers when Henrik opens his eyes for the first time,

"Yeah, he does" Stefan smiles softly before picking up their daughter "And this little surprise is Alexis Elizabeth Mikaelson-Salvatore" He introduces, as Alexis also opens her eyes showing she has his eyes too

"Our little Henrik and Alexis" Rosalie smiles softly before looking around "Where's Kay?" She asks not noticing her son

"Hunter and Caroline took him to change and eat" Stefan tells her to ease her worries,


An hour had passed since Rose woke up and bonded with her newborn kids and she was waiting to see her firstborn,

"Hey!" Hunter greets as they enter the room and Kay runs straight to his mom who greets him with a big warm hug

"Mommy you're okay!" He tries to squeeze her as hard as he could

"Hey pumpkin, I missed you" She smiles softly at him as he gives her a cheerful smile that always makes her melt

"Can I meet my new siblings now?" He asks excitedly making everyone chuckle at his excitement

"Come on buddy" Stefan picked him up and took him to the sleeping twins "That's your little brother and sister, Henrik and Alexis" Stefan pointed out as Hunter and Rose watched them with a soft smile enjoying the little peace they have for now,


Rose didn't spend long in the hospital given her vampire healing ability, but she nor Hunter had a chance to stay in Mystic Falls for long either given that they were needed in New Orleans to try and keep the rest of Mikaelson from killing each other with their lastest traitorous act against each other,

Given that the twins have to be breastfed they had to go with her leaving Stefan alone with Caroline dealing with the latest drama that was happening in the town,

Rose didn't want to leave but wanted to help her older brother watch his daughter, let her family meet their latest edition, and let Kayan have some time with his cousin after all their family motto is Always and Forever, even if it's their downfall they always try to be there for each other when needed the most.

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