Chapter 26

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"Why are they having the wedding so soon?" Rosalie questions as she, Stefan, Hunter and Kayan were finishing getting ready for Alaric and Jo's wedding,

"Because this Mystic Falls where something always happens when we find an ounce of happiness" Hunter reminds her as he helps Kayan with his shoes

"And given theirs a family-hungry Lily on the loose" Stefan adds bending to assist Rose with her shoes

"I don't get why she's so obsessed with her make-believe family" Hunter scoffs as Rosalie gets up with the help of Stefan,

"Well she's Damons' mother so he had to inherit something" Stefan chuckles at Rose's comment "Alright let's get this over with I want to sleep" She pouts walking to the door but stops when she feels  a stabbing pain in her abdomen 

"You okay?" Hunter and Stefan both question when they notice the discomfort she's in

"Yeah, the baby just felt like playing soccer" She lies with a small smile to ease their worry and continues to head for the car with Kayan behind her,

"We're keeping a close eye on her" Stefan tells Hunter who nods in agreement as they follow after the mother and son.


Everyone was at the wedding of Alaric and Jo completely unaware of events that were about to take place,

"Are you sure you're okay?" Stefan questions Rose when he sees her winch in pain,

"Your kid is being restless right now" She mumbles rubbing her belly in a soothing way to ease her pain,

"You wanna head home, I'm sure they wouldn't mine" Stefan suggests making the redhead glare at him,

"We're not leaving until I get a taste of that cake" She huffs before turning back to the ceremony only to witness Kai stabbing Jo

"Bloody hell!" Hunter exclaims shielding Kayan's eyes so he doesn't witness anything 

"Get him out of here," Stefan tells the vampire who wastes no time in vamp speeding his nephew out of the place just as chaos occurs,

One moment everyone was in their seats next they were all over the place, everyone but a panting Rosalie whose water had broken during the short period,

"Stefan!" Rose shouts grabbing his attention as he comes to focus "My water just broke" She grits out trying to ignore the pain she is in at the moment,

"Let's get you out of here" He says softly grabbing her and taking her to the hospital,


Stefan was pacing in the waiting room of the hospital when Caroline and Hunter joined him with a sleeping Kayan in Hunters' arms

"Any news on them as yet" Caroline asks her best friend when he stops pacing at their appearance

"No, they had to do an emergency c-section cause the baby was breached, I'm waiting to hear if it goes okay" Stefan informs them taking Kay from Hunter "How's Elena?" He asks the Forbes girl who sighs tiredly,

"Kai put her in a supernatural coma that will end when Bonnie dies," She tells him sadly trying not to cry

"Guess that's his way of punishing both Damon and Bonnie" Stefan grumbles and the doctor shows up

"Mr. Salvatore, the surgery went well and both mom and the babies are doing well you'll be able to see them when we return them to their rooms" The doctor informs before heading back to where he came from,

"Did he just say babies?" Hunter questions confused by the new revelation

"He did!" Caroline exclaims excitedly at the news

"I thought it was only one" Stefan says shocked by the news

"Congrats you're now a dad, officially" Hunter pats his shoulder being careful not to wake his sleeping nephew,

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