Chapter 16

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"Caroline" Rosalie calls as she enters her dorm room with Hunter

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"Caroline" Rosalie calls as she enters her dorm room with Hunter. "Oh, who's this?" She asks seeing a new face.

"That would be your downgrade? Replacement? I don't know whichever one you see her as" Hunter says looking Ivy up and down.

"Huh, so Stefan just dump his problem on you?" Rosalie questions taking a seat on the bed as Hunter throws himself beside her.

"Yep now watch her as I get dressed," Caroline tells them heading into the bathroom to change.

"So you were Stefan's girlfriend?" Ivy asks looking at Rose like she was nothing but a piece thrash.

"Hmm, he could've done better to replace me guess you'll have to do" Rosalie retorted with a sickly sweet smile,


Caroline and Hunter thought it was best that Rose was far away from Ivy so they sent her back home much to her dismay and joy.

"I just want to rip her heart out and feed it to him," Rosalie tells Owen as she eats the salad he made for her.

"Jealousy is not a nice color on you Rose" Owen tease making her glare at him,

"Hmpf, I might just rip your throat out instead" She mumbles making him chuckle at her antics,

"Have you talked to your siblings yet?" He asks as he washes the wares,

"Nope, but I did listen to their voicemails, and apparently Esther, Father, Finn, and as we already know Kol is back, we're the only ones who know about Kol though" She points the fork at him after saying the last,

"Of course, they haven't figured out about him yet" He mutters wiping his hand and taking a seat next to her.

"Yeah they're that stupid makes me wonder how I'm related to them?" She tilts her head thinking about it as Owen chuckle at her in amusement.


"God, who are you right now?!" Is the first thing Rosalie hears from behind her as she teleported to where Hunter ask her to,

"I'm someone who's trying to start over, and then suddenly you, Hunter, and Enzo show up and now I have hunters on my trail and a brand new vampire who wants to kill me and everyone else in her path! And that's not how someone starts over, Caroline!" She hears Stefan shout back at Caroline,

"Is that what you're really doing Stefan?" Rosalie asks making her presence be known as Hunter join her side,

"Ro" Stefan whisper finally seeing her after a while

"Hey Steffie, it's been a while but I can see you made up your mind" She whispers looking into his eyes as tears well up in hers,

"You know what the worst part about all of this is? Is about a month ago, I wished that Damon would come back. Because I knew if that happened, that we'd get you back too. But right now, all I want is for you to just..get back in your car, and go." Caroline says as she also realizes the same thing as Rose.

Stefan looks hurt as he walks away from them, leaving Rose who was hugging Hunter and hiding her face in his chest, and Caroline who shuts her eyes and licks her lips as she hears Stefan's car drive away, and when he's gone her cellphone buzzes, she puts her phone to her ear. "Where are you?" 

"I did a really bad thing," Ivy says as Hunter listen to the conversation while hugging Rose who was silently crying,

"Oh, you mean, break our necks? Yeah, I noticed." Caroline sass as Hunter makes a sound of agreement.

"Okay, three bad things. Look, I'm sorry-" Ivy was saying but got cut off 

"Tell me exactly where you are and stay put, I'll come to get you," Caroline says turning towards Hunter who nods and she leaves.

"Come on let's get you home to your emotional support teddy bear" Hunter whispers in Rose's ears making her giggle at the name he gave Owen


"She did what?!" Rosalie shouts, she finally answers Klaus's call only to find out what Esther did to Elijah

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"She did what?!" Rosalie shouts, she finally answers Klaus's call only to find out what Esther did to Elijah

"Yes and now he's not waking up, I would ask for your help but Owen had informed me of your situation," Klaus says making Rose glares at the said man who just shrugs and smirks at her,

"Of course he did, well slap him and see if that works" She suggested making Hunter laugh, and Klaus roll his eyes at her,

"Rose I'm not slapping our brother now get some rest and Hayley and I will find a way to wake Elijah," He tells her making her huff,

"Your no fun, bye Nik, and think about my suggestion" She hangs up before he could reply "You!" She points at Owen who was watching his brother with amusement as he was on the ground laughing.

"Yes, Rose?" He asks with false innocent making her glare at him

"You told him?" She throws a cushion at him which he easily caught making her use her magic on him and throwing him off the couch,

"I swear you two are like children" Hunter mumbles after finally calming down which only made him receive a fireball to the arm "HEY!" He shouts at her.

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