Chapter 3-The journey

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Camilo helps me onto one of the donkeys, and Isa climbs onto the other. He morphs his body, making himself taller so that he could climb onto the donkey behind me. "Vamos chica, let's get going!" He exclaims, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Alright, love birds, let's go." Isa says, and the donkeys begins to walk forward. After a few minutes we're past the village. "You ready to see the outside world, cariño?" I ask Camilo as we head into the pass between the mountains that leads out of the Encanto. "As I'll ever be," He whispers, kissing my cheek and looking up at the towering, forest covered cliffs on either side of us.

We keep a steady pace through the narrow pass. As we reach the end of the mountain, Camilo gasps softly, looking out over my shoulder. In front of us is a foriegn sight. A little way down the slope before is the river, but past that we see a long winding road, and in the distance a large hill. Isa looks down at the map. "According to this, the town is north, straight ahead, just past that hill" she says, squinting out at the horizon. Just before the hill is a forest that stretches east and west for miles, was far as the eye can see in those directions. "One more step and it'll be the furthest from home I've ever been," Camilo says softly, and I hear him gulp. "Hey it's ok querido, we've got this," I say, turning my neck to give him a kiss. He smiles weakley, looking slightly terrified at the path ahead. "Come on, let's keep moving." Isa says, urging her donkey to start walking again.

When we reach the river we have to dismount the donkeys. I push my hands to either side, and with my movement, the water splits down the middle, and begins to part. Soon there is a dry path ahead of us, with walls of clear water on either side. "¡Buen trabajo, mi vida!" Camilo exclaims excitedly, running forward to gaze at the fish and coral that is suspended upright by the walls of water. Isa and I lead the donkeys along the path, and once we're through to the other side, I flick my hands and the water comes down with a crash. Camilo insists on helping me back into our ride, and then we're off again.

By the time we reach the start of the forest, the sun is high in the sky. The line of trees ahead of us cast long shadows along the ground. "We really have to go in there huh?" Camilo asks, staring into the dark undergrowth. "Don't be un gallina, Camilo," Isa sighs, scanning the map again. "Once we're through here it'll only take us an hour or so to get over the hill to the village." She moves towards the forest. Camilo squeezes my torso, burying his face in my shoulder as I follow Isabella. The canopy of leaves is a relief from the blazing sunlight. The forest engulfs us. I can hear a hundred different bird calls echoing through the trees. Flowers of all colours bloom around us, their scents creating a sweet aroma. As we make our way through the forest, Camilo eventually opens his eyes, gasping in amazement at the beauty around us. "Mi vida! Look!" He exclaims excitedly, pointing at a colourful bird. I laugh and look up at the rood of leaves, illuminated by rays of golden light. The whole forest feels alive.

After around half an hour, I can see a growing light ahead of us. "We're almost out of the forest, Cami," I say. "Mhm," He murmurs, distractedly. His hands are busy, each holding 2 or 3 strands of my hair. He's been trying to braid it for the last 20 minutes. "How are you supposed to-" He trails off, squinting at the mess of knots he's created in my hair. "¡Es imposible!" He exclaims, throwing up his hands in the air. I chuckle, turning my head around to face him. "At least you tried," I give him a kiss before turning back around. The light ahead grows brighter and brighter, and soon we break through the tree line, into the blazing sun. The hill looks a lot taller and steeper from this close up. Camilo looks up at it, and pretends to faint. "Drama king," I say, and we begin to follow the winding path up the slope. After an hour of listening to Camilo complain and whine, we finally reach the top. "This is taking so long why did I even agree to-" He stops mid complaint. Down the other side of the hill is a breathtaking site. The ocean is a startling blue, and the white houses that line the hilly valley shine brightly in the sun's light. "San Andes..." Isabella whispers, staring at the ocean town in amazement. "It's beautiful..." Camilo says. "Let's get down there then." I say, and the donkeys begin to run down the path, towards the foreign village.

Sorry this took so long and it's a little short, I've been out a lot and am starting school soon so my writing time has been cut short, but hope you enjoy! Next chapter coming soon.

Mi Corazón Book 3(Camilo Madrigal and y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now