Chapter 6-Exploring San Andes(Lots of Camilo fluff)

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Down stairs we see María, and sitting at the small dining table, a fake smile stretching across her face, is Gracie. "Did you all sleep well?" María asks us, pouring 3 more cups of coffee for us. "Yes, thanks," I say, taking a cup from her. The bitter coffee runs down my throat, burning awake my nerves. "Gracias, María," Isa says, taking her cup. Gracie is going to try and take the amulet today, I know it. I think, glancing at her every now and then. "Why don't you all go for a little tour of the town today!" María suggests, looking nervously between the 4 of us. "Gracie has a basic understanding of the place, she can show you around." Gracie stands up, her smile now a grimace. "Gran idea, senorita," She says, making her way over to us. "We'll see you in a bit," I say, waving to María, who waves back, with an apprehensive expression.

Gracie leads us through the winding streets, not saying a word. The sun shines brightly, reflecting off of the many houses. The whole down is decorated with vibrant coloured plants and tile mosaics. Despite the thundering cloud that is Gracie, I can't help being blown away by the place. It's whole vibe is completely different to the Encanto. The people look different too. They wear loose, flowy clothes, mostly shades of white and blue, and the atmosphere is friendly and busy. Townspeople crowd the sides of the narrow streets, chatting excitedly, exchanging items and hurrying in all different directions. Camilo stops at a window with an ornately decorated frame. A smiling old woman stands inside, and I peer over Camilo's shoulder to see a table of beautiful hand made pieces of jewellery.

"Un momento, guys," Camilo says, indicating for Isabella and Gracie to wait up. Gracie gives an obvious scoff, rolling her eyes. "Do you like them, cariña?" He asks me. I look down at the vibrant colours. "They're beautiful," I reply, my eyes glued to a delicate, thin chain that has a single, circular blue gem attached to it. Camilo looks from me to the necklace, and to my surprise Camilo pulls out a pouch of pesos. "Esta por favor," he says, pointing to the necklace. The lady nods, and hands Camilo the necklace after he gives her a few gold coins. "Es un buen chico,(he's a good boy,)" She says to me. "Y muy guapo,(and very handsome)" she adds, and I blush. She chuckles kidney as I turn to Camilo, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "No lo voy a dejar ir, (I'm not letting him go)," I say, squeezing his arm.

"Muchas gracias, senorita," Camilo tells the lady as we walk away. We rejoin Isa and Gracie, who are waiting for us a few metres away. Gracie is leaning against a wall, glaring at us, and Isa is having a lively conversation with a young man, who's carrying a large potted cactus. Wonder who that is... I think, watching them. Neither of them break eye contact, and I don't think I've ever seen Isabella this invested in a conversation. Camilo gently taps my shoulder. "May I?" He asks, holding up the shining golden chain. "You may," I smile, lifting up my hair. He puts the necklace around my neck, clasping it securely at the back. Before I lower my hair I feel his lips brush the side of my neck. Blushing, I turn around to face him. "How does it look?" I ask, looking down at the blue gem. "Beautiful," He whispers, cupping my face with his soft hands. He kisses me gently, and the noise of the street seems to disappear for a moment.

Camilo draws back a little when Isabella taps his shoulder. "Ready to keep going?" She asks, looking slightly flustered, blush tinting her cheeks. "Who was that mystery man?" I ask her pointedly. "Oh, just one of the townspeople, he collects plants from all over," She giggles. "What happened to Jose's daughter?" Camilo asks accusingly. Isa gives him a cold look but regains her smile. "Let's go down to the beach, Camilo and I have never seen the ocean! Gracie, if you'll show us there..." Isa gives her a warning glance, and she begrudgingly begins to lead us towards the outskirts of the town. As we're walking down a path towards the beach, Gracie crouches down to fix her shoe. The 3 of us continue walking but as I pass her she stands up abruptly, sticking out her leg and dripping me over. With a yelp, I stagger to keep upright, twisting my ankle in the process. "Mi vida! Are you ok?" Camilo rushes to hold me. "I'm fine Cami," I say, glaring at Gracie, who says; "oops, my bad," without a hint of sincerity.

"Aye princesa, you can't walk like this!" Camilo picks me up, and twists around so I end up holding onto his shoulders, his arms supporting my legs. "A piggy back? Seriously? Don't you two ever just stop with the PDA?" Gracie glowers, glaring at us. I instantly feel much better. "Maybe don't trip me up in front of my boyfriend?" I say, a smug smile on my face. "Come on, let's go a la playa!" Camilo yells excitedly, beginning to run. I laugh, holding onto him tightly as Grace trails behind. Camilo runs onto the sand, and doesn't stop as he nears the water. "Cami stop!" I gasp, as he splashes into the blue waves. He spins around, and I scream in mixed fear and excitement. Once he's stopped spinning, I wave my hand and splash his face with a jet of cool, salty water. "I've never seen the ocean before..." He says, now puffing slightly, out of breath. "It's beautiful," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck to keep balanced. "Just like you," he whispers as I kiss his neck. "You flatter me, mi sirenita," I giggle, releasing him and dropping into the cool water.

Looking over at the shore, I see Isa standing on the bank, gazing out at the ocean, mesmerised. Beside her Gracie is sitting crossed legged on the sand, looking mutinous. I turn back to Camilo, and the soft breeze teases my hair. My cheeks hurt from smiling, but I barely notice. Camilo places his hands on the back of my neck, and I do the same. We stare into each other's eyes for a few moments, before his eyes wander to my lips. I glance down at his, and then our eyes meet again. Next second he pulls me close, kissing me passionately. One of his hands rests on the back of my neck, whilst the other finds its way to my back. He holds me against him gently, and I can hardly notice the cold water pushing against my shins, or the sand engulfing my feet.

After a a few minutes, I pull away from Camilo, and he tucks my hair behind my ears. I'm about to say something when I glance over at the beach. Isa is staring at us with a mix of disgust and annoyance on her face, and beside her, nothing. Gracies gone. I stare at the spot where she was sitting only moments ago. "She's...gone," I murmur. "What is it, mi vida," Camilo asks, following my gaze. "She's gone!" I yell out, coming to my senses. Isabella looks at me, confused. I point to the spot beside her. "Gracie! She's gone!" Isabella turns around, and gasps, her face going pale. "Camilo, we need to go." I say, grabbing his hand tightly. "We need to find her," I pull his arm, running towards Isabella, who looks frantic. Shit.

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