Chapter 7-It All Comes Tumbling Down

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                                                   Trigger warning-Kn!fe, f!ght scene, bl00d.

We run through the streets, people jumping out of our way as we go. Shit shit shit. The soaking wet hem of my skirt feels like lead, slowing me down. I'm holding Camilo's hand, weaving our way through the small crowds. We need to get to María before Gracie does, I think, scanning the street ahead for her familiar head of long dark hair.

María's POV...

I'm pacing back and forth in my small kitchen, my hand clenched tightly around the amulet resting on my chest. I need to figure something out. We can't just tell her to leave, from what Camilo, Y/n and Isabella have told me she has a whole list of places on her 'hit list'...I lean against the counter, releasing an exasperated sigh. I still haven't discovered all the Amulets' powers, but my mother and grandmother warned me not to push it too far. In my abuelas words, 'those who seek out power will only find corruption,' or something like that. If only she was still here, she would know what to do... A stream of sunlight leaks in through my open window, warming my skin. I look out at the ocean, it's surface sparkling with blinding light. I'm wrenched out of my thoughts by the sound of a door slamming open. What the-

Y/n's POV...

"Where is she?" I gasp as we reach an intersection of 2 roads. Camilo and Isa come to a halt on either side of me, the three of us looking around frantically. "She probably went to María's house..." Camilo says, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun. "Which way was it?" I look left and right, trying to remember the way we came. "I think it was this way..." Isa says uncertainty, pointing to the right. "I think so!" Camilo agrees. "Vamos, todos!" Isabella exclaims running down the street. 5 minutes later we see a familiar towering white house. María's house... We made it! I look towards the front door. It's open...Shit. Camilo looks at me, fear and apprehension in his hazel eyes. I read to push the door open, and he nods.

María's POV...

"Gracie." I say, staring at the young girl in front of me. "Aye no! Turns out soy mala!" She says, pouting. "I won't let you take it." I don't take my eyes off her as she paces back and forth. "I wasn't going to do this so quickly, I was gonna earn your trust then break it, the whole deal you know? But then your little Madrigal friends ruined everything. Again." She rolls her eyes, grabbing an apple from a bowl on my counter. "I guess I'll just take the amulet now, save you the trouble," She takes a bite of the apple, staring me down. "In your dreams, chica." I glare at her, daring her to make a move. "This amulet protects my village, you can't have it." Gracie laughs, a sarcastic, psychotic laugh. "I wasn't asking," Before I have time to think, she lunges towards me, her hands outstretched.

Y/n's POV...

We walk inside and immediately see Gracie, lunging towards María. "Gracie NO!" I yell out, running towards them. María dodges her, running to meet me halfway. "You guys just couldn't mind your own damn business?" She screams, looking murderous. "Gracie, that's enough, give it up." Isa says sternly, glaring at her. "Yeh, no, I don't think so." She smirks, reaching a hand onto the counter to grab- A knife...this bitch really is crazy... I take a step back, keeping my eyes on the kitchen knife in her hand.

"You're going to give me that necklace, or things aren't going to go well for any of you," she points the tip of the knife at María, whose face is drained of colour. "NO!" Isa screams, flinging up her hands so that a wall of vines shoots up, separating Graci from us. "GO!" Isabella yells at us, pointing towards the staircase. "Isa-" Camilo protests. "Go, hermano, I'll hold her off." I can hear Gracie slashing away at the vines on the other side. I take Camilo's hand, and squeeze it. María seems frozen on the spot. "María we need to go!" I grab her arm, pulling her out of her haze, and the three of us run upstairs.

"What are we going to do?" Camilo asks, when we reach the top of the stairs, looking terrified. "We- I- I don't know!" María exclaims, looking defeated. "Can't you use the necklace thingy?" Camilo asks her. "I don't really know how to control it besides healing." María admits sheepishly. "We need to get that knife away from her," I say, peering down the stairs. Isabella is growing more vines to strengthen the wall trapping Gracie. "Is there another way out of the kitchen?" I ask María. "No- Wait yes! The back door!" I stare at her, realisation sinking in. "Why is that import-" Camilo begins before stopping, his face going pale. "ISA!" He screams down the staircase. I follow him as he bolts down the stairs. Isa turns towards us, looking scared. "What is it?" She asks as we're halfway down the stairs.

Before we reach the bottom of the stairs I see Graci run into the house from outside. She looks psychotic, the knife glinting in her hand. "¡Cuidado!" I yell out, Camilo and I running towards her. Out of the corner of my eye I see Camilo's body morphing and stretching, and next second Luisa's form throws itself in front of Isabella. "CAMILO!" I cry out as I watch Gracie plunge the knife into his shoulder. His scream echoes in my ears, chilling me to the core. He slumps to the ground, shape shifting back into himself, blood soaking the entire left shoulder of his yellow ruana. "Camilo!" I gasp, running towards him. Gracie looks down at the silver weapon in her hand, dark crimson blood dripping off its tip. "I- I- Camilo I-" Her face has gone pale as she realises what she's done.

I cradle Camilo's head and shoulders in my arms, kneeling on the ground beside him. "Shh, it's going to be ok, mi vida, stay with me." His eyelids flutter open and close. "Ah!" He jerks slightly as I push down on his shoulder to stop the bleeding, my hand now covered in his scarlet blood. "Camilo!" I hear María cry out, as she comes down the stairs. Isa crouches down next to me, tears streaming down her face. "Hermano, hey, can you hear me? Camilo please-" Her voice is shaky. "Y/n..." He murmurs, his eyes swimming with tears. "Darling, I'm right here," I whisper to him, tears trickling down my hot cheeks.

María's POV...

I look from the three of them kneeling on the floor, to Gracie, who stands rooted to the spot, wide eyed and disorientated. "I didn't mean to-" She begins, letting the knife slip out of her grip. It clatters to the ground with a noisey 'clank'. I don't know what to say or do, my mind is buzzing and my vision is blurred by confusion. Before I can do anything Gracie lunges towards me, this time wrapping her fingers around my Amulet. "Give it!" She screams in desperation. "NO!" I scream back in her face. Both our hands are wrapped around the small red gem, and we struggle back and forth. I feel the rage and distress bursting inside me. I need to help Camilo, she can't take it!

I barely notice the glowing red light that begins to shine through our enclosed fists. "NO!" I yell out again, and in that moment something happens. I'm blinded by white light, and the two of us are thrown away from each other. The amulet is now in my hand, emitting the blinding light. Before I can register anything, I hear cracks all around me. Squinting up, I see the ceiling falling towards me. I close my eyes, covering my head with my hands, waiting for impact.

Y/n's POV...

I Shelter Camilo with my body as the amulet releases a massive blast. Gracie and María are thrown in separate directions. María lands next to Isabella, looking dazed, the glowing necklace in her hands. Above us the ceiling begins to crack. "ISA!" I scream looking up at the collapsing roof. I lean over Camilo. I need to protect him, is all that I'm thinking as I look down at his face, his eyes now closed. I look over at Isabella, who is staring up at the ceiling. As the roof begins to fall, she raises her hands, and a dome of vines engulfs us. 

Mi Corazón Book 3(Camilo Madrigal and y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now