002. the broadcasting room

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The sheltered students make their way through the zombie-infected hallways of Hyosan high holding boards of the classroom.

"Left!" Daesu yells, the zombies coming from the right in front of them, blocking their way.

"They're everywhere!" Jimin shouts as they approach the science classroom. The group of zombies that followed them are now behind the group. A new group of zombies is coming from the other side.

The boards that the guys just ripped off random classroom doors are shielding the zombies away from the locked door.

"Onjo! Use this!" Sora shouts at the said girl as she hands her the fire extinguisher.

Onjo bangs it against the lock, in the hope that it'll open. After several attempts the lock finally cracks and the students burst inside.

They think they're safe. But it doesn't last long before the zombies break the windows of the classroom.

"Hurry, barricade the windows!" Gyeonsu yells. He begins to push tables and stack chairs on eachother.

Sora turns around to hear the commotion behind her. Nayeon is yelling at Onjo because she lost the phone on the way to the science classroom.

"How could you lose it?!" She shrieks at the girl.

"What does it matter? We got a secured room now." Gyeonsu cuts in, holding a chair in his hand. The zombie's hands are reaching into the classroom trying to grasp a human to bite.

"Like you can say anything," Nayeon retorts, "If you held the door like you were supposed to we wouldn't have to look for another classroom."

"Then why didn't you do anything yourself?" Gyeonsu says. His demeanor is changing as he threatens the girl.

"You're so fucking annoying!" Nayeon screams. Gyeonsu starts attacking the girl by pulling on her hair.

"Gyeonsu!" Sora rips his hands away from the girl's hair. "Why are you even trying to provoke him?!"

"He's just annoying, gosh. Why did I get stuck with your stupid outcasts clique." Nayeon sighs as she pulls off her tie and hairband out of frustration.

"It seems like you're the only one having a problem with our 'clique' " Sora insists, making air quotes.

"Stop arguing, fight after we're done." Wujin suggests the three as he pushes against the stack of chairs.

"Come on, Gyeonsu. It's nothing new anyway." Sora says, pulling the boy away. Gyeonsu huffs as he plops down on a chair. "It's nothing new anyway." Sora repeats in a soft voice, trying to calm him down.

"Where's Suhyeok?" Onjo asks all of the sudden. Everyone looks around for the boy, but he's not here. "You were with him, right?"

"He was behind me. I don't know where he is." Cheongsan stammers. Onjo sighs loudly, realising they had left behind the guy she liked.

Dear students and teacher's of Hyosan High School. The school speakers emit the sound of the English teacher, Park Sun-hwa. As she announces how she hopes everyone is safe and she hopes they'll meet again the tears stream down the face of several students.

"Hey, we'll make it out alive. I promise." Sora says to comfort Gyeonsu next to her.

"And what if we don't?" His raw voice combined with the serious tone makes Sora shiver. Her face falls at the thought of losing any of her friends and family. "We'll live for eachother. Promise?" She receives a nod, and stares ahead of her, hoping, praying that the virus hadn't spread to the outer parts of Hyosan.

Isak's nose is bleeding, and Onjo holds onto her friend's sleeve trying to believe her friend insisting she wasn't bitten.

"Onjo," She chokes out before falling to the ground. Once again the bone-chilling sound of cracking echoes through the room. As she shoots up she begins attacking people.

"Cheongsan!" Onjo shouts, but he ignores her as he bumps her out of the window. Grasping to the hand of her best friend Onjo is reluctant to let go.

Onjo sobs as Isak falls down, crouching next to the window where she fell. Jimin and Hyoryung comfort her while the group tries to think of their escape plan.

"Tie knots so a foot can fit into it." Cheongsan orders Sora, Gyeonsu and Jimin. Their only way out is through the window. The three finish knotting and throw it down the window.

"It ends at the second floor. Let's hope there aren't any zombies." Sora says. "Namra, it's the broadcasting room,"

The two girls were forced by their moms to join the broadcasting club. Just like how they were forced to join several other school clubs.

They shared the same position as top student with a flawless reputation. The only distinct difference is their personalities. Namra and Sora despised the way they were brought up, but it was also the one thing that made them somewhat friends.

"Gyeonsu, you go first." Daesu says, "Why me?" The two guys have a small quarrel before Gyeonsu climbs down. The group watches in anticipation while he climbs down.

"It's Ms. Park, guys! Come down!" He yells as everyone slowly climbs down.

"Onjo, you have to go." Cheongsan convinces her, pleading her to climb down. Sora and Cheongsan are the only ones left.

"You alright?" He asks her before she climbs down. "I'm fucking terrified of heights." She confesses with a chuckle. The lighthearted moment gets interrupted by zombies bursting into the room.

"Go! GO!" He yells, before taking on the zombies by himself. "I can't just leave you like this!" Sora replies, but Cheongsan shoves her out of the window and onto the rope that is moving way too much for her liking.

"I'm so fucking scared, I better survive for doing this." Sora whispers to herself. It doesn't get better when zombies start falling out of the sky.

"Cheongsan! What are you doi-" The rope moves so much that Sora almost falls off. About a feet under Sora Cheongsan is clinging onto the rope with a zombie grabbing his leg.

"Get down here and help me!" He hisses, and Sora moves as fast as she can with shaky hands. She eventually arrives and tries to kick the zombie in the face.

"Kick it harder!" A male voice shouts. "This is literally all my power!" Sora retorts without realizing who she is talking to.

"It's Bare-su!" Daesu yells, and it's when Sora realizes Suhyeok has somehow made it out safely. The three of them kick the zombie off of Cheongsan's leg.

"Why didn't you just kick her like I told you to?" He says as he climbs down the rope.

"You didn't think I tried?" Sora hisses, 'accidentally' stepping on Suhyeok's hand. "Are you for real?" He says and latches his hand onto her ankle.

"I swear to god, if you pull me I'll pull you with me." Sora threatens. "Stop fighting and climb!" Cheongsan shouts at the two.

"Close the window! Just close the window!" Nayeon shrieks when Sora tries to get in.

"I was climbing into the room, can't you just wait for five seconds?" Sora says, wiping the blood off her shoes.

"I don't care! Isn't it obvious I want to stay safe?" She talks back.

"So you just wanted to leave me out there to keep you safe?" "Yeah, obviously."

"Let's not fight again," Suhyeok interferes. Miss Park, hugs Sora, Suhyeok and Cheongsan, and tells them how happy she is to see them alive.

"We're happy to see you again, Miss Park." Sora smiles at the teacher. If only they knew how incredibly wrong it would go in Sora's favourite broadcasting room.

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