014. yangdong

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THE STUDENTS HELD THEIR BREATH. Afraid that the zombies will hear them. Only when the sounds fade away do they relax. Cheongsan wraps his arm around Onjo, trying to comfort her.

"Your dad, he saved all our lives." Hari comforts the girl. "If many people remember someone, that person, is sure to go to heaven."

Onjo nods, tears rolling down her cheeks once again. Hari stands up, asking Mijin to look for a place to jump off.

A silence falls over the students again, until Daesu breaks the silence.

"Shouldn't we go looking for Sora?"

"It's no use, we can't even get down without getting attacked." Cheongsan replies.

"We should look for her. What if something happened?" Suhyeok retorts, looking at Namra, who seems to want to find her friend as well.

"What could even happen to her? She's a hambie, those zombies are nothing compared to her." Daesu sighs, shifting in his seat.

"What about Gwinam?" Namra suddenly says, making everyone look up. "He didn't die when I threw him off of the building. He must be roaming around the school."

"Shit." Suhyeok hisses. "We have to find her." His heart was beating in his throat thinking about Sora getting hurt, thinking about not being able to see her again.

"We'll go find her when Hari and Mijin come back." Onjo decides, and the students comply, hoping they could get away as soon as possible

. . .

Sora's eyes flutter open. She's laying on something soft. The girl shoots up, remembering what had just happened.

She's in the school nursing room, on a bed. There's no one else in the room with her. The faint sound of zombie groaning can be heard from outside. But, besides that, it's awfully quiet.

The door creaks open, and Sora immediately tenses up, afraid that someone is going to attack her.

"Calm down."

Sora could recognise that voice anywhere. It was Ayeong.

"Why are you helping me." Sora hisses at the sight of her former best friend. "I thought you were with Gwinam."

Ayeong simply shakes her head and sets down a cup of water. Her face is also injured, but it doesn't seem to bother her.

"I was trying to help you." She eventually says. "Gwinam's bite is different, depending on the person, it can turn you into a weird zombie/human or just a zombie."

"Then how did you know I wasn't going to turn into a zombie?"

A small smile forming on her face. It looked genuine, like she was glad to see that her plan worked.

"I didn't. But, I truly believed you were one of the people that would. Just like Nam-Ra. The two of you are different, anyone can tell."

Sora takes a sip of the water. When was the last time she even had water? Sora was still wary of the girl in front of her. Was this one of her secret plans with Gwinam, or was she being genuine this time?

"Your friends, they're at that construction site right now. I can hear them." Ayeong continues, her demeanor calm. "They're talking about you. Especially that boy Su-Hyeok is worried about you."

She smiles again, a kind of teasing smile. It reminds Sora of the times she'd sit with her in class.

"You like him?"

"I think I do."

"Then go out there and go find them. You'll find me soon enough." Ayeong advises. "If you manage to find help, be careful. You're still a zombie after all."

"Thanks, A-Yeong. I've got to say though, you scared me the first time I saw you with Gwi-Nam." Sora chuckles. Ayeong giggles as well. The two hug eachother tightly before saying goodbyes.

"Update me about Su-Hyeok." Ayeong whispers.

"Of course I will." And with that, Sora runs out of the building. Her forehead patched up, and her hand also patched up. Heading towards the sound of her friends.

. . .

Sora abruptly stops running. Had she heard that correctly? Were they going to blow up this whole area? She shakes the thoughts away and starts sprinting. She had to find them very quick.

The sounds of the students were moving, and it was getting harder for Sora to hear. A weird buzzing noise was growing louder and louder.

She had ended up in the forest behind the construction site. Her friends' voices could be heard very clearly now.

"Why did we come all the way here if there's no trail?" Daesu says. A smile forms on the face of Sora. Bingo.

She picks up a twig, and throws it in the direction of Suhyeok. He immediately turns around, eyes widening.

"So-Ra!" He exclaims, and dashes towards the girl. Sora gets taken by surprise when the boy hugs her, but she gladly wraps her arms around his.

A few other shouts of surprise and joy are heard from the remaining students.

She winces at the buzzing sound, her ears are ringing.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Suhyeok worriedly asks, examining the wound on her forehead.

"It's alright, but we need to move. In the dieection of Yangdong. They're going to blow this place up."

"We heard, we're going down to the neighbourhood to see where to go." Onjo tells the girl. Sora nods, deciding that following the group was the best she could do. But, she doesn't know how long she can keep it up anymore.

She was hungry, hungry for blood. And her ears and head kept pounding, like they were about to explode. Her departure from the group was getting closer and closer. That bittersweet feeling of leaving the friends she had made was strong. But what was even worse was leaving Suhyeok, the boy she had fallen in love with.

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