003. sneaky killer

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"Why is it not turning on?" Miss Park asks as she wiggles herself through the students looking at the screen.

"It just turned on, school ones are so slow." Joonyeong complains. "Search 'zombie virus'"

Sora chuckles at the thought of it. It's unbelievable she's actually stuck in an apocalypse with some random students.

"Why do you have so many followers!?" Daesu exclaims at the sight of the thousands of notifications Joonyeong gets on Facebook.

Sora and Namra are at the window, looking outside.

"Remember when we did broadcasts here and cursed at students we hated in the audio room?" Sora recalls as she chuckles.

"Yeah, that was fun." Namra smiles. "Which clubs did you join after we quit?"

"Field hockey, you?" Namra nods at her and says : "Literature."

Their conversation gets interrupted by the glass breaking. The two girls duck to avoid getting hit by the glass.

"Sora! Namra!" Voices call out, as Gyeonsu and Suhyeok rush to the girls.

"Bare-su," Sora points up to the window where a zombie dangles from the rope. It's only visible at the angle of Namra and Sora.

"Get away from the window!" Sora exclaims as she pulls Namra, Gyeonsu and Suhyeok to the side.

It was just in time, the zombie that was hanging down appears at the broken window.

Cheongsan reaches out to grab the broomstick in the corner of the room and pushes the zombie away from the room.

"Push it out!" Suhyeok shouts and eventually takes over from Cheongsan. It's only after Gyeonsu takes a part of the computer and smashes it into the zombie that it falls.

"Gyeonsu, your nose." Sora says worriedly and wipes the blood away with her sleeve.

"I'm alright," He deadpans as he feels his nose. "I just got hit with the broom."

"Get away from me!" Nayeon shouts as Gyeonsu returns to the circle. "You might be infected!"

"I'm not! I got hit with the broom!" Gyeonsu yells. "And what about the scratch?"

"I got that from the computer! All I did to save you and you guys suspect me?" Gyeonsu lets out a frustrated sigh.

After resolving the issue Gyeonsu is left in the audio room for an hour. Sora sits on the table in front of the audio room window. Occasionally tapping the window to make sure he's okay.

"Are you okay?" Suhyeok suddenly asks, sitting down on the chair at the table.

Sora can see Onjo eyeing them from the corner of her eye. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" He points at her face, where a cut has formed from the glass.

"It's alright, doesn't hurt at all." She smiles at him as she turns back to Gyeonsu. He makes weird kissing faces to her and Sora makes an I'll-kill-you gesture at him.

"Bare-su is a funny name." Sora spontaneously says, making him look up. "It's not really funn-" He stops when he sees Sora laughing at Gyeonsu and she motions at him something about his nickname.

He smiles at her happy face, it's a shame Gyeonsu never brought her over at lunch. He could only steal some glances at her in class. It might be better for her and her reputation. No one knows what those moms of Namra and Sora could be up to.

"An hour has passed," Cheongsan says after signaling to Gyeonsu to come out. The group gathers around the table, and Sora hops off the table.

She knows Gyeonsu won't come out. She's seen him mad enough times to know what would happen. He'd come out eventually.

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