013. we meet again

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THE ZOMBIES WERE EVERYWHERE. The students quickly ran after Onjo's dad, who led the way into the forest behind the school.

It was no use, there were too many of them.

"Over here!"

Everyone follows Onjo's dad's direction to the tennis court which was surrounded by fences. Sora pulls Namra along with her, her other hand holding onto Suhyeok.

"Watch out!" Sora yells to the boy, who quickly manages to dodge the zombie next to him. He lets her hand go to fight off another zombie.

"Sora, Namra!" Sora hears Hyoryung yell at the two, she had already entered the tennis court. Hyoryung waves her hand, motioning to the two girls to hurry up.

Namra runs, and so does Sora, but when Sora tries to run through the door she accidentally gets tackled by a zombie trying to push himself through the door.

Onjo's dad has no other choice but to push the door close, to save the 9 other students who had entered the tennis court.

"Sir, what are you doing!" Cheongsan yells, watching how Soju (Onjo's father) closes the door. "She's one of us!"

Suhyeok sprints to the gate, trying to get it to open, but the numerous zombies that are trying to get in are too heavy. Opening the door would result in their death.

"Sora!" Wujin yells. The group had lost sight of her. Did she get trampled?

"Sora!" Suhyeok yells, desperate for any sign of life.

"I'm alive!" Sora replies, "I'll lead the zombies away, leave the court as fast as you can."

"We're not leaving without you!" Suhyeok yells, still unaware of where she is.

"I'll catch up, so run!"

"That girl is sick in the head," Mijin whispers to herself.

A loud whistle sounds from the outside, and the zombies immediately turn to the sound and run towards it.

"Catch me if you can, stupid zombies!"

Onjo laughs, partly because she thinks it's funny and partly because of relief.

"Go, before they get us!" Suhyeok commands the group, and they quickly run into the forest. The construction site of the new building nears their sight.

It seems to go well, almost no zombies get in, until something grabs Soju, dragging him back into the court.

"Dad!" Onjo yells.

"Don't wait for me, Onjo. Save yourselves!"

Cheongsan drags the girl away, her sobs loud enough to attract zombies.

"Quick!" Hari helps Wujin over a wall, but he can't help but look behind him, hoping for Sora to show up.

"She'll come soon, don't worry." Hari assures him, "She's smart."

The students find a spot, a ledge like construction on the outer side of the building in progress. Hari covers Onjo's mouth, afraid that the zombies will hear her sobs.

. . .

Sora runs. She runs everywhere she can to lead the zombies away from her friends. Whisteling, yelling, anything to attract the zombies to her.

"Didn't think you had such a big death wish." Sora recognised that voice. Gwinam.

"Yeah, don't you have one either, Gwinam?" Sora taunts, "I wouldn't want to live with one eye."

"Bitch," He grumbles, "Your friends leave you? They finally found out about you being a zombie?"

"Yeah, they died. I ate them." Sora sarcastically tells the boy, which makes him even more mad.

"Tell me where Cheongsan is, before I kill you." He threatens, his hand curls into a fist, ready to throw a punch.

"Yay! Are you going to fullfill my death wish?"

This was the final straw for Gwinam. The boy charges at the girl, trying to throw a punch at her face.

"Don't you ever think that I'll lead you to them. I'd rather die than tell you." Sora hisses, grabbing a handful of his hair and punching his face.

Gwinam's hand drags across her face, leaving 2 vertical scratches on her cheek.

"You know, your eye is sufficient too."

"Too bad you won't get mine."

The two half-bies fight like their lives depend on it. Injuring eachother significantly in the process of doing so.

Before Sora can realise, Gwinam has thrown a punch right on her stomach, causing the girl to double over and cough.

Before she can react, a kick is given to her head, her vision turns black and within a few seconds she's trying to fight to stay awake.

A hand reaches out to her face, but it's not Gwinam's. It's a gentle touch, and Sora tries to see who it is, but to no avail. Her eyes close before she can see who it is.

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